The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>I am a Senior, I’m Latino, my A-G GPA is 3.8 and I am ELC (Eligibility in the Local Context). I’m going to get a 4.5 GPA for the first semester of my Senior year, I’m an after school tutor. I have 3 AP classes this year (AP European History, AP Statistics, and AP Econ/Gov’t) by the time I graduate I will have taken 5 AP classes and at least 10 honors classes, I passed the AP Spanish Language test with a 4.</p>

<p>I did poorly on the SAT (1500) I will retake it and get at least an 1800, and I did decent on the ACT (24) I will retake it and get at least a 27, I did pretty good on the SAT Subjects test (600 on U.S. History) and (680 on the Spanish) I am going to take the Literature subjects test as well, I will try my best this year also to pass my AP tests (U.S. History, European History, Government, MacroEconomics, and Statistics) Furthermore I will try to complete 100 hours of community service by the time I send my applications, I played football freshman year, and I am the treasurer of the AVID club, I am also in the spanish honors society club. </p>

<p>My personal statements are pretty good if I do say so myself, I also will take some classes this year at a community college, if I pass the rest of my ap tests and get college credit and pass the college classes I take I may be able to enter university with my freshman year done or almost done!!! any advice would be appreciated I really want to get into UCLA and UC Berkeley. Is there any last minute work I can do to improve my application, I’m revising and revising my personal statement and when it’s completely revised I will send it to an admissions counselor to go over it for me, I am done with my UC applications except for the personal statement section, by the way I am also applying to UC San Diego, UC Davis, and UCR I should get into these…</p>

<p>I want to double major Political Science and History, but seeing as Political Science is extrememely difficult to get into at UC Berkeley and UCLA I put on my application that my primary major is History and my alternate is Political Science.</p>

<p>I’m going to be honest I think the thing that would get me into UC Berkeley and UCLA is my Personal Statement and that I’m ELC and Hispanic, with hard classes and my GPA went from 3.833 1st semester junior yr. to 4.333 second semester, and now I’m going to get a 4.5- I know I’m a lock for all the other UC’s because I am ELC. UC Berkeley accepts 66% of ELC students, UCLA accepts 60% of ELC students, and UC San Diego accepts 85% of ELC students. I really, really, really want to go to UC Berkeley or at least UCLA because they are my dream schools. Please help, thank you</p>

<p>Each of the UC’s have posted or are in the process of posting their Profile of 2009 admits.
UCLA’s: [url=<a href=“]Profile”>]Profile</a> of Admitted Freshmen, Fall 2008 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions<a href=“says%202008%20in%20the%20link%20name%20but%20link’s%20to%202009”>/url</a></p>

<p>UC’s are largely numbers based so you can get a good idea of where you stand looking at the profile. UCLA & Cal take a holistic view of the application so strong essays & special EC’s may pull more weight there.</p>

<p>Hey, Ok so I’m not really sure how the UC gpa is scored but I calculated it on this website and it said I had a 4.87…but not I’m not sure about the accuracy of that. (I got a B+ in AP Calc AB, earned A’s in everything else and had 9 honors/AP classes in the 10th and 11th Grade) </p>

<p>Graduated in the top 5% of my class
I scored a 2040 on my SAT and a 34 on the ACT
I was in MUN for 3 years, French club for 3, Earth Corps for 2, National Honor Society for 5, Girl Scouts for 4, Badminton for 5 years, Tae Kwon Do for 3 years (and a “training instructor”), and volunteered at the local hospital for 2 years.
I was also “English student of the Year” for 9th grade.
But I’m also out of state and by no means rich (my family makes under $30,000 a year)
I’m a female and am multi-racial (half-white, haf-asian)</p>

<p>I’m looking mainly at UCSD, UCD, and UCI, but maybe UCBerkeley and UCLA.
Sorry if I didn’t put enough information!</p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.00
class rank - 59/428 ='(</p>

<p>very competitive high school (because of the IB program)</p>

<p>ACT composite: 35
english - 35
math - 35
reading - 32
science 36</p>

<p>(english/writing - 31) I got an 8 on the essay ='(</p>

math IIc - 800
physics - 780
chemistry - 750</p>

<p>national merit commended</p>

<p>Middle Years Program Diploma (9th-10th) w/ completion of Personal Project
Expecting to graduate with Full IB Diploma (11th - 12th)</p>

<p>IB tests: (out of 7)
IB math 2 SL - 6
IB economics SL - 6
IB Spanish SL - pending
IB History HL - pending
IB Biology HL - pending
IB English HL - pending</p>

<p>12th grade schedule: (hardest possible schedule, except math which has one level above it)
AP Calculus
IB English 2
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Global Studies (history) HL
IB Spanish 2 SL
IB Biology 2</p>


<p>Certificate of Merit - Piano - lvl. 5
6 years experience in mallet instruments
National History Day (1 year) - regional finalist, state finals competitor
Quiz Bowl B Team - two years
Science Bowl C team captain - 1 year (going at it again this year, hope to make B team)
Science Olympiad B team member - 1 year (going at it again this year)
Member of National Forensics League (debate) - 2 years
won 1st place novice public forum debate at Yuba City HS Tournament
Quiz Bowl Officer: Tournament Chair 1 year (going at it again this year)
Model United Nations Officer: Treasurer (1 year)
Co-founder of UTSAV Youth Group
President of UTSAV Youth Group
Internship with UC Davis medical center Pathology dept. 100+ hours</p>

<p>Community Service:</p>

<p>approximately 230 hours comm. service
FLASH program - (2 years) mentoring/tutoring elementary/middle school kids
Library community service - (4 years) book shelving; upgrading children’s books record-keeping system on FPL library catalog; Summer Reading Program volunteer</p>

<p>UTSAV Youth Group (2 years) - organized coat drive for a local women’s/children’s shelter; organized Spring Clean-Up event for local park; organized fundraiser for same shelter listed above; organized cooking event for said shelter, currently organizing Christmas toy drive</p>

<p>UC Berkeley - Electrical Engineering
UC San Diego - biology (primary major); electrical engineering (secondary major) <— please chance me for both!!!
UC Los Angeles - Biology
UC Davis - Biology
UC Irvine - Behavioral Neuroscience
UC Merced - Biology
UC Riverside - Biology</p>

<p>replies are much appreciated! thanks</p>

<p>farouqghazzawi: As you know, GPA-SAT score combination is what’s really hampering your chances. At this point, since the UCs will not consider your senior year grades, you should really focus on raising your SAT score. If I was in your situation, I’d plan on taking the exam in December. Don’t worry about your major choices, since you are really applying for admission to Letters & Science as a college rather than individual majors right now.</p>

<p>McLeslie: UC Berkeley and UCLA are a stretch because of your out-of-state classification. But Chancellor Block at UCLA said that he wants the school to take more out-of-state people for Fall 2010 admission, so it may be worth a try if you have the desire to go and are applying L&S. </p>

<p>enemyunit: Posted in your thread.</p>

<p>Like everyone else on this thread, I am desperate for a chancing.</p>

<p>In a nutshell:
CA resident, female, public high school.
3.98 unweighted GPA, 4.29 weighted (UC GPA- 4.25)</p>

<p>SAT1: 2100- 730 CR, 700 M, 670 W
SAT2: 720 Math 2, 620 Physics
AP Physics B- 4</p>

<p>As far as ecs go, I have done a varsity sports team all four years of my high school career, and I hold several leadership positions in my high school’s community service clubs. I am also an active member in my local artist’s association, and have won several Southern California arts awards. Etc, etc. </p>

<p>End nutshell. </p>

<p>My intended major (for all my colleges) is biological sciences, as I would love to pursue a career in the health sciences. My GPA, extra cirricular load, and SAT scores are fairly sound, but nothing to brag about.</p>

<p>As far as I know, I have UC Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Irvine on my list. I toured UC Riverside as a prospective safety, but the school did not seem to appeal to my tastes. I am applying to UCLA simply out of curiosity. </p>

<p>I know that a bio major is VERY popular at UCSD, and at many of the other schools. If you could be so kind, what do you think would be the reaches-matches-safeties for my scores? Thank you very much, any input will be very appreciated! (:</p>

<p>What are my chances for Cal, UCLA, UCSD and others? I plan to major in Computer Science/Computer Engineering.
I am a Filipino male.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.14
CR: 610
(Still waiting for October scores)</p>

<p>SAT II: Literature: 650
U.S. History: 660
Math II: 590 (retaking)</p>

<p>Extra Stuff:
40+ A-G Courses
Low Family Income
First Generation
CSF Seal Bearer</p>

Academic League Captain
Vice-President of Asian Drama Club
Editor-in-Chief of school newspaper
Top 10% of class
Qualcomm internship
Global Leadership Conference Scholarship Winner</p>

<p>200+ hours of community service:
Teacher assistant at Sunday School
Senior Peer-to-peer tutoring (co-founder)
Volunteered at local recreational center
Cosmos Research Center</p>

<p>Rigorous Senior Schedule:
AP Calculus
AP Art History
AP English Literature
AP Computer Science
College-level Political Science class</p>

<p>Past APs:
AP U.S. History
AP Environmental Science</p>

<p>i guys, I’m a senior currently and I’m looking to apply to the UC’s which are: UCD, UC Irvine, UCSD, UCLA, UCB. I reside in California btw.</p>

<p>Here are my stats:
3.6 UW UC GPA:
4.0 weighted UC GPA</p>

<p>Sat1: 2010
Sat2: MathIIC: 760 Chemistry: 700</p>

<p>AP exams:
Calc AB: 5, Chemistry: 4, AP Lit: 3, AP world: 3</p>

dedicated participant in various clubs (200+hours community service)
3 years Key club
2 years CSF
1 year NHS
(no officer positions)
3 years track and field: (frosh/soph1 year varsity)
3 years cross country (froshsoph/JV)</p>

<p>Extra info: I had my dad and 3 older sisters that attended the UC’s already
Income: considered low (>50k)</p>

<p>Major: Undecided</p>

<p>This years schedule:
AP language
AP Gov
AP Calc BC
Regular Bio</p>

<p>Thank you for your reponses and open to any advice!</p>

<p>What are my chances for Cal, UCLA, UCSD and others? I plan to major in Computer Science/Computer Engineering.
I am a Filipino male.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.14
CR: 610
(Still waiting for October scores)</p>

<p>SAT II: Literature: 650
U.S. History: 660
Math II: 590 (retaking)</p>

<p>Extra Stuff:
40+ A-G Courses
Low Family Income
First Generation
CSF Seal Bearer</p>

Academic League Captain
Vice-President of Asian Drama Club
Editor-in-Chief of school newspaper
Top 10% of class
Qualcomm internship
Global Leadership Conference Scholarship Winner</p>

<p>200+ hours of community service:
Teacher assistant at Sunday School
Senior Peer-to-peer tutoring (co-founder)
Volunteered at local recreational center
Cosmos Research Center</p>

<p>Rigorous Senior Schedule:
AP Calculus
AP Art History
AP English Literature
AP Computer Science
College-level Political Science class</p>

<p>Past APs:
AP U.S. History
AP Environmental Science</p>

<p>what is your UC GPA? (unweighted gpa of 10th-11th with up to 8 extra points for honors/AP/advanced courses)</p>

<p>to be honest your SATI is pretty damn bad.
Your subject tests aren’t looking too good either.</p>

<p>However, you have very nice ECs, and with the low income, ELC, and first generation, that will boost up your chances A LOT.</p>

<p>I think you will be admitted to davis, irvine, santa barbara, san diego, etc. no problems. I don’t think you’re cut out for UC Berkeley engineering, because while you have a lot in the “additional factors” section and “Extracurricular activities”, your academics are mediocre.
I’ve heard some weird things about UCLA’s admission criteria, and I’m not so sure about them, so I can’t say…</p>

<p>I was a bit harsh, but don’t feel dejected, because its not easy with low income, first generation, etc. but you really excelled where a lot of people don’t in that situation. Good luck in the future!</p>

<p>only advice: retake your SATs</p>

<p>i’m chancing AltoPalo**</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian - Filipino
Location: CA
School Type: Private, Catholic all-girls high school; 800 students</p>

<p>Prospective Major: Biology (tentative?)</p>

<p>Applying to (chance me for) - UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCD
Additional Universities - USF, SDSU, SFSU</p>

<p>UC GPA - 3.92</p>

<p>Transcript GPA:
4.0 / 4.0 Sophomore year
4.1 / 4.3 Junior year</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning - 2110
SAT II’s - N/A, taking in Nov.</p>

<p>Sophomore year: 4 honors, 1 AP
Junior year: 2 honors, 2 AP’s</p>

<p>Senior schedule:
AP Calculus
AP French
Honors Physics
Ethics and Morality
1Sem: God in Literature / 2Sem: Individual and Society
1Sem: Dance / 2Sem: Cardio Strength Training</p>

<p>So far, (after first quarter) straight A’s.</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
Student Council - 10, 11 (Representative, Class Officer)
Leadership Academy - 10, 11, 12 (Highest level of membership)
Peer Ministry - 10, 11, 12
Community Involvement Club - 9, 10, 11, 12
Presentation’s Ambassador’s Club - 9, 10, 11, 12
Amnesty International - 11, 12
Musical Theatre - 9
Vocal/Jazz Choir - 10
French Exchange - 11 (2 weeks)</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
Sunday Friends - 2 hours a week, inconsistent
YMCA Outdoor Science School - 10th grade only, 97 hours</p>


<p>I have a feeling my low UC gpa will result in my rejections. Oh, the difference it would have made if someone told me sophomore year that half my honors classes didn’t count for squat… ):</p>

<p>E.C. Sidenote: Student Council may soon include 12th grade as well. I lost the election but continued my efforts with SC through attending meetings, joining council committees, leading Leadership Academy and Junior Leadership Academy workshops both at my school and with the National Charity League (a privilege gained through being at highest membership), etc. The moderator asked me a couple days ago whether I would be willing to take a position if one soon became available. (I’m guessing someone wasn’t doing their job properly…) ***Topic for Prompt #2</p>

<p>Please and thank you!</p>

<p>I think you are from my school…</p>

<p>UC gpa: 3.57</p>

<p>ACT: 28 Composite, 26 English, 29 Math, 30 Science, 26 Reading </p>

<p>SAT II: Eng Lit 570, Math II 610 (retaking Nov)</p>

<p>AP Calculus Test: 4</p>

<p>Small High School in So. Cal, about 100 kids in my class. Top 25% for me.</p>


<p>Christian Club (vice president)</p>

<p>Outreach Club</p>

<p>Senior Leadership Team</p>

<p>National Honor Society</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:</p>

<p>St. Mary’s Hospital during my Jr. Year. 8 hours a month during the school year.</p>

<p>City of Hope - once a year on Halloween for 8 hours.</p>

<p>Walmart- Secret Santa - once a year for Christmas 8 hours.</p>

<p>Various volunteer jobs through Christian Club and Outreach</p>

<p>Other: 2 years of Mojave River Conservationist Class (specific to my region) working on projects in correlation with the Mojave Water Agency and Big Horn Sheep Society.</p>

<p>I also will be mentioning in my personal statement that I lost a younger sister to cancer that will be a family hardship that I went through.</p>


<p>UC San Diego: Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>UC Santa Barbara: Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>UC Irvine: Mechanical Engineering.</p>

<p>Also: First generation </p>



<p>UC GPA is a bit low</p>

<p>retake your ACT if possible, and study hard! also applies for subject tests</p>

<p>UCSD Mechanical engineering is extremely hard to get admission into. I would peg that as an extremely high reach.</p>

<p>UCSB - perhaps, I’m not sure
UCI - likewise</p>

<p>I think you should look into UC Riverside and Merced also. I think you would get in. Before you cringe, remember that you can transfer after 1-2 years with good grades and hopefully get into UCSD, perhaps even higher.</p>

<p>I’m very sorry to hear about your sister.</p>

<p>good luck, and remember what I said about UCM and UCR</p>


<p>I know my UC gpa is low. I’m applying to some Cal States also, so hopefully I have a decent shot there too.<br>
If I don’t get into the schools I want, then I will go to a CC and transfer into SD. They say it’s easier to transfer from a CC than a university. </p>


<p>Hi I am applying to many UC schools, and would appreciate it if anyone can chance me</p>

<p>Also, bear in mind, for hereditary reasons, I have been studying abroad for the 2009-2010 year, so I am applying for fall of 2010 because SD won’t let me defer. During my travels I worked for 132 hours as an EMT on an Israeli ambulance, and just got my medic’s certification, and will continue working on the ambulance for a few more months. I will also be participating in a two month Israeli army training-simulation program. </p>

<p>SAT- 1910, 1240 on the CR and Math. (I know, I’m not the best test taker)
ACT- 31</p>

<p>SAT 2: Math II- 640
US History- 580 (I know, not my best choice)</p>

<p>APs: AP Music theory- could not afford to take the AP exam, but got a 91 in the class both semesters
AP Calculus AB- 5
AP US History- 3
AP Calculus BC-4
AP United States Government and Politics-5
AP United States Government, will probably get a 5 or 4</p>

<p>ECs: Leadership roles:
-club president (invisible children/Uganda awareness)
-asb (tenth grade president)- talent show co organizer
-surf team treasurer / co-founder
-Surf club treasurer
Religous Youth Group:
3 years member of new York and san diego. poway representative of san diego chapter board. </p>

<p>Music- orchestra 3rd seat bassist. Most improved musician 2007-08. Unanimous superior judging in multiple concerts</p>

<p>Martial Arts- Eighth Kyu ranking award </p>

<p>Sports- baseball tenth grade
-Surf Tea 12th grade</p>

<p>Awards- lions awards. Wolverine Senior Acomplishment Award, Principal honors award
-graphic design projects displayed in art show, AP scholar
(and hopefully others which I am forgetting)</p>

<p>Volunteer work- Hundreds of hours with multiple organizations and causes</p>

<p>In the Medical Field:
-I worked in an OBGYN office on Staten Island one summer
-I volunteered for 250+ hours at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center Brooklyn Campus. There I worked in the operating room where I observed countless fascinating surgeries, and I wheeled patients too ICU, etc, to the OR, and from the OR to recovery. I also observed a dermatology clinic. I also worked in EKG and hooked patents up to machines, etc.
-When I moved, I continued volunteering in hospitals, specifically with a cardiothoracic surgeon in one of the nation’s leading medical technology centers, participating in similar activities but focused mostly on cardiology and respiratory. </p>

<p>-School tutoring- Tutor in Algebra, Algebra 2, Geometry, physics, calculus AB calc BC</p>

<p>I am Bilingual (English and Hebrew), have experience living on my own. Have lived overseas volunteering in the medical field. Have experienced great events and situations not possible in the US (responding to a terror attack, inserting IV not as a paramedic or nurse). I have been exposed to the good and bad aspects of multiple healthcare systems, allowing me to advocate my beliefs with more concrete clause.</p>

<p>That’s as much as I can think of now. Also, I am a disabled student and have overcome many obstacles which many deemed impossible (this explains the poor test scores). I’m not sure if this will help me, but it’s the truth of the matter. </p>

<p>Anyway, Thank you to all who have reviewed (and survived reading ^_^) my stats and give me feedback, advice, or suggestions. I really appreciate your help.</p>


<p>I guess your ACT is decent
Your subject tests are not that good.</p>

<p>You never mentioned your GPA or class rank?</p>

<p>Your ECs are amazing, I see some crazy potential essay topics in that list you have.</p>

<p>However, keep in mind that generally admissions is 75-85% based on Academics and the small amoutn remaining constitutes the ECs…This might kill your chances for UCSD because it uses point system (academics have the killer points), but for UCLA and UCB and even others possibly, if your essays really shine then I think you’d have a shot.</p>

<p>Good Luck</p>

<p>Ulgh, My grades are really bad.</p>

<p>3.6 Unweighted GPA;
3.9 Weighted UC GPA;
4.1 Weighted GPA;</p>

<p>Sat1: 2080
Sat2: Chinese: 780 Math II: 710</p>

<p>First Generation College Student</p>

<p>I’ve taken almost every AP/honor class our school has offered. </p>

300+ Hours of Community Service
3 Years in Key Club, 2 years as an officer
2 Years in Asian Student Association, 1 year as an officer
1 Year in Random Acts of Kindness, 1 year as an officer
2 Years in CSF
2 Years in Band
1 1/2 Years of Web Technician for our school Newspaper
1 Year of Track and Field
1 Year as TA for Chinese School
Webmaster for Key Club Division website
iPhone/iPod Developer with an Application on iTunes (I don’t know if this will help)
Key Club Outstanding Website Award
President Award</p>

<p>Major: Economics</p>

<p>Courses for Senior year:
Japanese 1
AP Physics
AP Gov/Econ
AP Calculus BC
School Newspaper</p>

<p>I’ve also taken Classes at our community college, does that count for anything?</p>

<p>I don’t qualify for low income, and my high school is one of the most rigorous schools in California.</p>

<p>I was born in China, but moved here when I was 4, so I’m a first generation immigrant.</p>

<p>My top 3 Colleges are: UCSD, Cal, and UCLA.
What are my chances for each? (Namely UCSD and Cal, as those are the two colleges I want to get in.) I know my GPA is really low.
My backup schools are UCI and UCD.</p>

<p>Please give me feedback on my chances for:
University of California: UCLA, UCSD, UCB, UCSB </p>

Cumulative UW: 3.14
Cumulative Weighted:3.4
UCGPA (10-11 only, cap on weifhted classes): 3.86
-I had 3 D’s freshman year (2.5) in easy classes
-Sophomore year produced about a 3.2 (A in only AP)
-Junior year produced a 4.33 taking toughest classes available (Straight A’s except for weighted C’s in Spanish)
-Senior year is nothing but AP/IB classes.
-IB Full Diploma Candidate</p>

2080 SAT (1410)
33 ACT
5 on AP Euro, 5 on AP English, 4 on APUS, 3 on AP BIO</p>

<p>EC’s/Community Service
-Travel Club-Vice President (EuroTrip in Summer '10)
-City Youth Council
-Youth Court
-Mentor for a nonprofit afterschool program
-4+ months of Work Experience (only stopped because school would no longer issue work permits for “outdoor advertising”-yes, I twirled signs)
-Principal’s Advisory Committee
-Octagon Club
-200+ hours overall in volunteer service</p>

<p>Awards (short, I know)
-AP Scholar with Honor
-Honor Court</p>

-School has a bad grad. rate/horrible test scores/low income area
-First-gen. College
-Essays stand out/show personality</p>