The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>3.97 UC Weighted
*downward trend Junior year :frowning: But back up senior year!
Never took Calc, but taking Stats</p>

<p>SAT : 2270</p>

<p>SAT IIs: 790 Bio, 710 USH, (Nov. estimated 700+ math II)</p>

<p>AP tests:
Bio (5)
English (4)
USH (5)
Spanish (5)</p>

<p>3.5 AP’s .5 Hon this year. (.5=1 semester)</p>

200+ hrs community service
4 yrs CSF member (semiposition for 3 years)
founded club and 2 years VP
3 yrs doing sport (1 of which on varsity)
3 years school newspaper (2 of which editor)
2 yrs speech (won a few awards)
local bio internship
took summer classes at other high school/comm college</p>

<p>Asian F/ applying for Bio major</p>

<p>What are my chances for: UCSD, UCLA, Cal, UCI?</p>

<p>UCSD: low match
UCLA: low reach
UCB: low reach
UCI: pretty much safety</p>

<p>i came to the united states in my junior year and my english is not that much good to get a high score on SAT reading , please chance me for all UCs </p>


<p>GPA : 3.87
Junior year GPA: 4.0
UC GPA: 3.85
reading: 450
math : 690
Writing: 590
Toefl: paper based : 590</p>

<p>senior year classes:
AP calc
AP Bio
AP psychology
English 10 and 11
US gov
Piano lab 2</p>

<p>sat math2: 780
physics: 690</p>

<p>I have good ec’s</p>

<p>i came to the united states in my junior year and my english is not that much good to get a high score on SAT reading , please chance me for all UCs </p>


<p>GPA : 3.87
Junior year GPA: 4.0
UC GPA: 3.85
reading: 450
math : 690
Writing: 590
Toefl: paper based : 590</p>

<p>senior year classes:
AP calc
AP Bio
AP psychology
English 10 and 11
US gov
Piano lab 2</p>

<p>sat math2: 780
physics: 690</p>

<p>I have good ec’s</p>

<p>Chance me for UCB, UCSB, and UCI? Thanks muchly.</p>

<p>Total GPA 4.29
unweighted 4.0</p>

<p>SAT I–2280
critical reading 800
math 710
writing 770</p>

US History 790
Math II 730
Literature 720</p>

<p>APs–5 on all of them
Calc AB
English Lang

<p>Senior classes
AP Gov/AP Econ
AP Lit
Digital Photography
AP Calc BC
Speech and Debate
Advanced Imaging
Anatomy and Physiology</p>

Girl Scouts–9 years, Silver and Gold Awards, lots of community service
Co-President of Book Club–4 years
Writing-related activities–NaNoWriMo 4 years, a private forum 4 years, SDSU Writer’s conference 2 years
Horseback riding–6 years
People to People (emphasized the noteworthy things <em>I</em> did, I know the program itself does not necessarily help)</p>

<p>DVC transfer student</p>

<p>3.5 gpa</p>

<p>TAG agreement to ucsd and ucsb</p>

<p>econ major</p>

<p>applying to ucb, ucd, ucsd, ucla, and ucsb</p>

<p>no real extra currics</p>

<p>Southern Cali Student
UC Gpa - 4.21 If i remember correctly
Sat -
CR - 570
Math - 640
Writ - 490
1700 (no excuse) I’m retaking</p>

<p>Sat II -
Math - 580
Eng Lit - 560 </p>

<p>AP English Lang - 3</p>

<p>Current classes
AP Bio
AP Calc AB
AP English Lit
AP Macroeconomics
French 3
Peer counseling (student college counselors)
Speech 101 (CC)</p>

3 years volunteering at church (office work, selling religious items)
2 years taking a class at church
1 year as a group leader at church
Been a member of a visually impaired outrigger canoeing group called Makapo since this summer
Peer Counseling - basically attending and assisting with student affairs in their paths towards college (about 3500 students in our school from 9th -12th). I am a scholarship coordinator. As a peer I am also academic adviser for the 12th, 11th and 10th grade classes. Chosen through a selective pool within our school.
Key Club - two years
Senior Council - three years
S.H.O.E Club - Save/Help our Environment - 3 years, am treasurer as of now. </p>

<p>Honor -
Posse Scholarship Finalist for Kalamazoo College
ELC guaranteed for UCI, UCD, UCSB, UCR, UCM. Acknowledgment letter from UCSD =[</p>

<p>I am a cancer survivor and I have one eye. </p>

<p>School Stats

  • total amount of students - 3473
    Middle and Low income area
    488 students enrolled in Ap Classes - about 14% of the total enrollment
    11% - gifted
    SAT mean score -
    CR 414
    Writ 424
    Math 408
    SAT Average score - 1420 as of now (not the sum of the SAT mean scores)
    80/100 students got accepted to a UC for last years class.</p>

<p>Please criticize harshly</p>

<p>Chances for UCB, UCSD, UCD, and UCSB?</p>

<p>I got ELC guaranteed for UCD and UCSB.</p>

<p>UC GPA (10-11th): 4.0</p>

<p>SAT I: 1500</p>

community colleges (4.0 GPA total)</p>

<p>Chances for all please
Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>UC GPA 4.0 (Upward trend)
Top 10% of class</p>

<p>SAT: 2080 (720 CR 700 M 660 W)
SATII: 700 USH 690 M2 690 Lit</p>

Academic League 4 years (2 years Captain)
Recycling Club 1 year
NHS 2 years
Key Club 2 years
Community Service total: ~100 hours</p>

<p>Current Classes:
AP Calc
AP Stat
AP French
AP Gov’t
AP Micro + Macro Econ
AP Lit</p>

<p>Thank you in advance</p>

<p>Ariden: </p>

<p>UCB/UCLA - high reach
UCSD - high match
UCD/UCI - match
UCSB - low match
UCSC - very low match
UCR/UCM - safety</p>


<p>UCB: very high reach
UCSD - reach</p>

<p>what happend to me!!!</p>

<p>Chance me for UCB, UCLA, and UCSD please.</p>

<p>Chance me for UCD, UCB, UCSD, UCSB, UCI, and UCLA</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.8 [it shows a very upward trend… I got a 3.4 GPA in my sophomore year and in my junior year I had a 4.0+ weighted].
Top 25% of class</p>

<p>SAT: 2050

Bio 780
USH 740</p>

Bio - 5
USH - 5
English Language- 4
Calc AB-planning
Physics B-planning

Sports- 1 year</p>

<p>Speech and Debate 2 years
Has “Honor” rank in National Forensics League</p>

<p>Helped organize my region’s state-qualifying debate tournament</p>

<p>2 years CSF</p>

<p>Taught beginner computer classes at library to senior citizens and underprivileged for 3 summers</p>

<p>Worked in American Cancer Society for 1 year.</p>

<p>Volunteer in 5th Annual WALK SMART for Spinal Muscular Atrophy(SMA) Research</p>

<p>Community Service around 200 hours</p>

<p>I applied undeclared to the college of L&S for berkeley, engineering school undeclared for UCLA and bioengineering/computer science for UCSD. </p>

<p>here are my stats:</p>

<p>Rank 2 or 3, a-g GPA 4.5, unweighted 4.0, in state</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning: (what im worried about)
1st time CR 620 M 800 W 690- 2110
2nd time CR 680 M 710 (i know…) W 740 - 2130</p>

<p>SAT Subjects: Chemistry 800, Math 2 800, Spanish 800, US History 770, Chinese 800</p>

<p>AP Tests: got all 5s on Human Geography, World History, Microeconomics, Chinese, Chemistry, Calc BC, English Lang, Spanish Lang, Biology, Physics C Mech, US History</p>

<p>Currently taking AP stats, AP english lit, AP spanish lit, and AP art history and two college classes, poli sci and italian.</p>

<p>EC’s: volunteered at the public library since freshman year (270 hrs), later given a paid job junior year there (i work 10 hours a week), also volunteered for 140 hours at the hospital.</p>

<p>Science Olympiad for 4 years, treasurer</p>

<p>Organized a test prep book donation/recycling program at my school, collected 82 used ap prep books during junior year and checked them out for free to this year’s incoming students.</p>

<p>co host of a podcast, biweekly episodes</p>

<p>Got a partial scholarship from the local Rotary Club to do a summer exchange in Spain</p>

<p>Currently working with the public library to plan to offer free chinese classes there for the local community. (first class in jan…if everything works out…i guess this doesnt count)</p>

<p>I have less than average SAT scores for cal, and had a huge drop in my math score (800 to 710) the 2nd time i took it. Does this affect my chances? </p>

<p>thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>to rasd765 </p>

<p>I think you have a very good chance at UCI, UCSB, and possibly UCD. Your tests scores are also along the range to get into UCSD …however, your below average gpa might make that a reach. USB and UCLA are very high reaches. Your ECs are not bad, however, and I think that and your personal statement might make the difference for ucb/ucla. Which college did you apply to for UCB?</p>

<p>also, are you in a tough financial situation, an underrepresented minority, first gen. college student, etc? these factors also contribute to the application process. </p>

<p>Chance me back please!</p>

<p>hello !!! i posted my stats too!!!</p>

<p>shayant: reach for Berkeley, LA, and SD
match/reach for Davis depending on what major
match for every other UC</p>

<p>also, try to make it seem like you don’t expect that people are obligated to chance you on a thread =P</p>

<p>I didn’t factor in the TOEFL score since I don’t anything about it, but if it is relatively high then that should boost your chances</p>

<p>thank you
i was just joking . sorry didn’t mean anything</p>

<p>So i submitted my app last saturday, and im anxious to know what my chances are
If you could please chance me, it would be greatly appreciated, and i will chance back if you ask</p>

UC GPA: 3.75
Sat: 1770 (hopefully,december score>1850)
SAT 2s: 610 US History and 610 Biology
APs: 5 on APUS history exam
and took 4 honors classes</p>

<p>ECs: 200 hours volunteering at my citys local library helping kids, 50 hours volunteering at my citys local swim center helping staff take care of kids, I have played guitar for over 5 years, Member of my hs first chess club, and a prestigious member of Santa Monica Mountain Conservation Authority (volunteer at their events), Job at a local store for the past 6 months, CSF and Honor Student at my high school for 2 years.</p>

<p>UC Irvine (Criminology)
UC Riverside (economics/law and society)
UC Santa Barbara (Poly Sci)
UC Santa Cruz (legal studies)</p>

<p>I would really enjoy and appreciate it, if you guys could help me figure out my chances, Thanks in Advance.</p>

<p>uci-mid reach,ucr-in,ucsc-in,ucsb-in
chance me please Hey guys chance me please
3.87 GPA
rank -19/504
indian immigrant
act score- 20 taking it again
sat subject test- us history- 440 lit-510 taking it again
National Honor Society-Officer
CSF- 4 semsters
Dance team- founder and director
Charity Competition - Event Coordinator
Youth Advisor
Sober Club
Friends of Rachel
Senior Class
Asian American Club
Youth Ambassador indian assocaition
community service 300 hours
Boys and Girls club
Elementary School
Indian Association
work experience
polo ralph lauren
Moved to a new school during my junior year
junior honor escort
honorable mention for photography
hardest worker award for english
2nd place at my church’s essay competition<br>
moved high schools junior year</p>

<p>any uc’s chances</p>