The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>GPA: 3.64/3.68
SAT: 1570 :frowning: (retaking december)
3 APs, 1 JC course which was physics (grade: A)</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community Service
Soup Kitchen for low income citizens (250+ hours)
Animal Rescue Group (100+ hours)
Few hours at Public Library</p>

<p>Joined 2 clubs but no leadership position.
Worked as a teacher assistance and dog sitter</p>

<p>Applying to all UC’s except LA/UCB; want to major in Biological Sciences at most campuses, Animal Science at UC Davis.</p>

<p>I know my chances in getting into UCD/UCSB/UCI/UCSD are very slim. But could anyone chance me for UCSC,UCR, and UCM? Thank you!!</p>

<p>Forgot to mention, I transferred to a new highschool in a different city during my 10th grade year. At my first highschool I was Cross Country Co captain and did track.</p>

<p>California Resident, Hispanic(haha like that counts)Female
UC GPA: 3.75
Unweighted GPA: 3.5
Weighted GPA: 3.83</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Scores
*Math: 680 *Writing: 680 *Reading: 750
*Composite: 2110
SAT II Scores
*Lit: 710 *Spanish w/L: 790 *US History: 680</p>


  • JV Swimming: 10th and 11th grades, 16 hrs per week
  • School Newspaper: Copy Editor
  • Model UN member
  • Volunteer at a non-profit secondhand shop for the American Cancer Society: 48 hours of 2010 summer
  • 9th grade math tutor</p>

-National Hispanic Scholar
-AP Scholar
-JV Girls’ Most Improved Award (11th grade)</p>

<p>Applied to UCSC, UCSD, and UCB, all for PoliSci.</p>

<p>Hey. Can I please get a rough idea of where I COULD get in? Thanks.
I attend a high school which is ranked within top 5 public schools of the nation. Highly competetive. School where there are about 25 valedictorians each year. Not including me as one. Aside that, here are my stats:</p>

<p>avg gpa: 3.75
Freshman: 4 B’s Soph: All A’s Junior: 5 B’s
uc gpa: 4.04</p>

<p>SAT1: 1900
SAT2: Bio: 730 Math: 700</p>

<p>APs: Jr: BIO-4, Stats-3 Self study Psych-4 Sr: Spanish lang, AP calc AB, Self studying Human Geography</p>

<p>Essays: Wrote about a personal event about mother when I was younger, EC essay about a cancer club</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
Debate 10,11,12 jv
Badminton:9,10,11,12 jv
Cancer club: 9,10,11,12 officership 11,12
Paid Internship at summer camp: 11,12
Snack shack volunteer: baseball 9,10
Wrestling volunteer: 10,11
Charity Fashion show: 10,12
School Club dance team: 12
Link Crew: 10
National Honors Society: 12</p>

<p>Hi I’m a junior </p>

<p>SAT: 1850</p>

<p>SAT II History: 780
Sophomore: 5 A’s, 1 B (both semesters) 2 honors courses
Junior: 4 A’s 1b (1st semester) 2 ap’s 2 honors couses
GPA: something like 4.1 weighted and 3.7 unweighted
EC’s: 2years xcounty, 1 year baseball and tennis
Member of Deca, Interact, and Guitar Club
Awards: Scholar Athlete Award, top 8 in deca competition</p>

<p>Chance me for UC Davis, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, UCLA, Stanford. I already got into UC Santa Cruz and SF State. I really really just care about UC Davis and maybe even UCLA ^^</p>

<p>SAT I: 1670 (Reading:590/Math:530/Writing:550)
ACT: 26
SAT II: Math I 430/ World History 570
Unweighted GPA: 3.74
Class Rank: 21/590
ELC: Yes
AP: World History=3/AP Language & Comp= 3/ AP U.S History= 3
Senior Year Courseload: AP Psych and AP Biology + Spanish III, Econ/Gov, English 12 CP, and Marketing.
Awards: Competitor in Regional Competitions for FHA-HERO, AP Scholar Award
Extracurriculars: FHA-HERO since ninth grade- Secretary/Soph. yr, President/Junior yr. CSF & Key Club for three years.
Job/Work Experiencec: Babysitter, Tutor, entrepreneur of my own online business.
Volunteer/Community Service: Junior Auxiliary volunteer since 9th grade.
Personal Statement: I thought it was effective and showed a lot about me.
Applied for Financial Aid: Yes
Intended Major: UCD=Design; UCB=Media Studies; UCSB=Communications; UCLA=Anthropology; Stanford=Communications.
School Type: Okay, not very prestigious. Normal HS
Ethnicity: Asian (Chinese/Filipino)
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: <10,000
Strengths: My extracurriculars, grades.
Weaknesses: Test scores
Applied for: Undergraduate
Location: California</p>

Davis: 50%
SB: 70%</p>

<p>LA and Berk… honestly probably under 10%, but they do holistic admissions so you might get in for your ECs and essays.</p>

<p>Stanford: No. Sorry. I know they’re big on entrepreneurship (and i see you run your own business), i do too… and am the CTO of another company. Had better GPA and test scores than you. Still denied and wasn’t surprised at all. My odds were probably 5%.</p>

<p>Thank you! And yeah, I don’t really think I’m getting into Stanford or Berkeley, but my parents encouraged me to try. You never know! :-)</p>

<p>For UC Davis, UCSD, UCI, UCSB please :]</p>

<p>SAT I: Did not Take.
ACT: 33 Composite (32 Math, 32 Reading, 32 English, 35 Science. 10 Essay)
SAT II: Bio-Molecular - 780
Weighted GPA: 3.96
Unweighted GPA: 3.77
UC GPA: 3.85
Circumstances: String of multiple student suicides really messed me up during junior year… I explained this in my academic statement, though.
Class Rank: Highschool does not rank.
ELC: No.
AP: Biology - 5, Stats - pending
Senior Year Courseload: AP Psych, AP Stats, Honors English, Honors Physics, Honors Japanese 4, Economics.
Awards: Nationally Commended Student (PAST score)
Extracurriculars: Karate for 12 years, Japanese Culture Club for all 4 years of highschool, volunteer at japanese festivals in my area.
Job/Work Experience: None.
Volunteer/Community Service: ~150 hours of community service, house building trip to mexico.
Personal Statement: Spoke about myself. Maybe not the best out there, but still pretty good.
Applied for Financial Aid: Yes
Intended Major: UCD: Genetics, UCSD: Microbiology, UCSB: Biology, UCI: Biology
School Type: Highly Competitive magnet (Average SAT score at this school is around 2000, but there is significant grade deflation here) it is in the top 50 HS though.
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Italian)
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: Family makes between 50,000-69999
Strengths: Test Scores
Weaknesses: GPA
Applied for: Undergraduate
Location: California</p>

<p>Hi, I’m an incoming senior and would like to apply to UC Schools.</p>

<p>Major: CS, CE, CSE, ECE, EECS (depending on what the UC school offers)</p>

<p>SAT I: 1810 ( CR 460, M 730, W 620 ); may retake</p>

<p>SAT II: MATH 2 (780), CHEM (710)</p>

<p>ACT: 27 ( ENG 26, M 35, CR 22, SCIENCE 25, ENG/ESSAY 26, ESSAY (9) ) awaiting june score</p>

<p>GPA (10/11): 3.54 (uw) , 3.875 (w, assuming cutoff is 8 extra points)</p>

<p>AP/HONORS (10/11): English 10 H, PRE-Calc (h), calc a (h), dev. of civ. (h), AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus B/C, AP Computer Science</p>


<p>Extracurriculars: Solar Cup, Tennis Team, Applied Engineering Club, Leo Club, Robotics Club/Team</p>

<p>What should I do to help my APP and what are my chances to get into any UC School?</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Rank: 9/545, high school ranked 2nd in the district
~going to graduate 2013
looking for chances at ucsd, I know my chances for ucla/uc berkeley are slim</p>

<p>unweighted: 4.0 GPA
weighted: 4.55 GPA </p>

<p>SAT: 600 CR, 690 Math, 650 Writing (definitely retaking in October)</p>

<p>SAT IIs: 720 Math II, 690 USH, 680 Chem</p>

<p>AP Bio - 5
AP World - 4
<em>still waiting on AP chem/ush/english lang</em> </p>

<p>Senior Year: AP english lit, AP gov, AP physics C, community college linear algebra, journalism</p>

<p>ECs: Field Hockey - 3 years, 1 on varsity (will continue next year)
Swim - 3 years
Water Polo - 2 years
Girl Scouts - 12 years
Journalism - junior year: staff writer, senior year: features editor</p>

<p>Volunteer: LiveWell Senior Center 100+ hours
UCSD Medical Center 70+ hours</p>

<p>Jobs: Gateways Summer School ~ 2 summers
currently: SeaWorld San Diego</p>

<p>I volunteer/intern in a neuropathy lab at UCSD. </p>

<p>Thanks so much! :)</p>

<p>I’m going into my senior year of high school and I really want to get into UC Irvine. I was wondering if people could tell me my chances or give me advice on how to improve my chances of getting in.
I got a 4.3 gpa for my junior year and I have a 4.11 overall gpa. Non-weighted I have a 4.0 overall.
I got a 2070 on my SAT, 650 Reading, 700 math, and 720 writing
I got a 710 on the Math 2C Subject Test but I’m planning on retaking it. I’m aiming for as close to an 800 as possible
I have played soccer since I was 6 and I’ve played for my school for two years, one of which was on the varsity team.
I have about 35 volunteer hours but I’m working on that this summer at a Daycare.
I’m thinking of taking another SAT subject test but I’m not sure what to take. I’m only taking Physics this year and the only honors classes I’ve taken have been PreCalculus and Spanish 4.
I’m hoping to major in Environmental Engineering.
Junior year I took intro to engineering and Senior year I’m taking principles of engineering.</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA

<p>Unweighted Last Semester 11th Grade

<p>Weighted GPA

<p>My school was rated #5 in U.S. News: International Academy in BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI | Best High Schools | US News</p>

780M, 800R, 750E</p>

36E, 36M, 36R, 36S</p>

<p>Which other colleges are you applying to?
Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of Chicago, Stanford, Yale, UPenn, Michigan State Univ.</p>

<p>List a few of your most important ECs
-Violin private lessons for several years, in symphony orchestra and an after-school orchestra (counts as a class) this year
-Ski team in 9th grade
-Youth president of local (Detroit/Michigan chapter) religious organization with about 200 members
-Organized a can drive, candy drive, book drive, and soup kitchen trip with about 30 members participating in each for the religious org
-Webmaster of the website for the religious org
-Went to MMSS (a med-math summer program at Univ. of MI)
-Did HSHSP (7 week research program at Michigan State)

  • ^^^ A bioinformatics research project in a university lab
    -The usuals: Spanish Honor Society, Biology Olympiad, Linguistics Club, Quiz Bowl (no leadership positions in these, however)
    -Math tutoring at library for community service (75 hours)</p>

<p>What do you guys think my chances are at UC Berkeley?</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me what the “actual” requirements have been for last year and this year for OOS students to UCSB and UCSC? I have been hearing that in order to beef up the financial picture - they have softened the requirements for OOS apps (who pay more). S3 has 84 gpa (very competitive private school) and 28 ACT - any chance in Cali for him?</p>

<p>Female // Asian
UC GPA: 4.0
Unweighted GPA: 3.73
Weighted GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>Junior Year ONLY :
(1st Sem) 4.0 <a href=“2nd%20Sem”>weighted</a> 4.33 [weighted]</p>

<p>ACT: 27 equiv. to 1820 (English 31, Writing 10/12)</p>

<p>AP Test: AP Language & Comp : 4</p>

<p>SAT II Scores… ;(
Lit: 540, Math II: 580 </p>

Piano // 10 years
John Muir Hospital Volunteer - Supervisor // 2 years (200+ hours)
John Muir Hospital Student Intern // (3 mo. - summer)
Kumon Math and Reading Tutor // 1.5 years
Library Volunteer // (summer)
Tae Kwon Do // 3 years
HS Cheerleading Team // 1 year
Gymnastics // 1 year</p>

National Honor Society (2 years)
California Scholarship Federation (2 years)
Key Club (2 years)
HOSA (1 year)</p>

<p>Applying to most of the UC’s : UCD, UCI, UCSB, UCSD, UCSC, and Cal Poly SLO, SJSU, and others hopefully.
Science major/ not really sure of the specifics.</p>

<p>Thank You!!</p>

<p>California Resident
Applying as a White Male (mixed)
Competitive full IB/AP World School 75% percentile</p>

<p>UCSD, UCSB, UCSC, UCR… and UCLA (might as well get an opinion)
English or Linguistics Major</p>

<p>a-g req. gpa: 3.5
soph+junior gpa: 3.9
(both weighted)</p>

<p>SAT: 1910 - CR 700, M 610, W 600</p>

<p>SAT II: Yet to take, but modestly expecting 650s in US History and Lit. </p>

<p>AP US History - 4</p>

<p>Senior Year: IB Math Studies SL, IB English HL2/AP, IB Econ SL, IB Studio Art SL, HP Spanish 3, HP Geology</p>

<p>ECs: Very independent until I thought about college… Literature, Asian Heritage, Art, and Fashion Clubs (as of this year; not sure if they make a difference)
Children’s golf center 50~60 hrs
Local homeless shelter 20~30 hrs
job as steward, Hideaway Golf Club - Newly hired</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Out of State Student
Applying as latino/hispanic
Attends a poorly funded school, but an extremely competitive class</p>

<p>Schools: UCSD, UCB, UCLA
Major: Chemistry Minor:Korean Language (for UCLA) </p>

<p>total gpa: 3.5
soph+junior gpa: 3.9
(both unweighted)</p>

<p>SAT: 1980 - CR 600, M 710, W 670</p>

<p>Senior Year: Calculus, AP Statistics, Hon Physics, Hon. English, Anatomy</p>

<p>ECs: Track Varsity 4 years, Captain senior year (4:35, 9:59 times)
Volunteering for senior class 40~50 hrs
Captain of Winter Track (1 year)
Wrestling (1 year, varsity)</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>international student-studying in UK, from Hong Kong
will apply as international-asian</p>

<p>Schools: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCD</p>

<p>SAT I 1720 (530 700 490), 1680 (440 670 570)
GCSE 4A* 5A 2B
AS grade(GCE) 2A 2B 1C</p>

<p>SAT II will be taken next Saturday.
Toefl will take tmr.</p>

<p>If I am retaking SAT in December, will UC look at it?</p>

International society leader
Young Enterprise Financial manager
School Humanities Magazine Financial director
Deputy Head of House and Music Captain
School librarian for 6 years
Royal Academy of Dance Grade 4 pass
Speech and drama Lamda Exam Grade 5 pass
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
UKMT Maths challenge Silver Award
Badminton team member
Volleyball club member
Knitting Club 1 year
Saxophone Grade 4
Piano Grade 3
Leo Club observer
UNICEF volunteer-major events
Orbis volunteer-major events</p>

<p>Work experience
summer job- frozen yogurt shop- trainee
summer intern- accounting firm- audit intern</p>

<p>thank you=]</p>

<p>I am applying to the following colleges:

<p>Currently my stats are as follows:</p>

GPA:3.5 (UW), 3.8 (W)
UC GPA(Not counting the freshmen year grades): 3.68(UW), 4.066(W)</p>

<p>9th grade:
HSE 1-2 (ELL): B / B
Algebra 1-2: B / A
Geometry 1-2: B / B
Biology 1-2: B / B
Fundamentals of Physics & Chemistry: A / NO</p>

<p>10 grade:
AP European History: A / A
Honors World History 1-2: B / A
Honors Humanities 1-2: C / B
Algebra 3-4: A / A
Chemistry 1-2: A / A
Spanish 1-2: F / A (Failed the first semester due to personal reasons, had to retake)
Spanish 3-4: A / A</p>

<p>11th grade:
AP United States History: A / A
Honors American Literature (1)-(2): B / B
AP Calculus AB: A / A
Honors Pre-Calculus 1-2: B / A
AP Environmental Science: A / A
AP Physics B: A / A
AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism: B / B
Spanish 1-2 : A /NO (Failed the first semester due to personal reasons, had to retake)</p>

<p>2.Test Scores
SAT1: Math(770) Reading(650) Writing(670) = 2090 total
SAT2: Korean(800) Math2(710)
APs: Calculus AB(5), Environmental Science(4), United States History(4), European History(4), Physics B (4), Physics C Mechanics (3)</p>

<li>Extra Curricular Activities
President of KASA (Korean American Student Association)
Founder and President of CORE Club (Tutoring club)
APES tutor (After school tutoring club)
Secretary and Treasurer of APUSH tutoring club (Tutoring club)
Badminton Club, Ping Pong Club, Swimming, Engineering Club, etc… (Just members in many other clubs on campus)
Private tutor
Restaurant Waiter</li>

Race: Asian
Tax Bracket: 80k-100k
State: California</p>

<p>Any feedback?</p>


<p>international student from Singapore with O levels and A levels</p>

<p>SAT I: 1980</p>

<p>O levels: 4A1, 2A2, 1B3 (highest grade is A1 followed by A2, B3, B4, C5…)</p>

<p>AS Level: AAAB</p>

<p>A Levels: BBB/B and A in general paper(something like english). (will be retaking econs and math in jan 2013, expecting to push both grades to As)</p>

<p>ECs: High School Tennis 2years, vice captain
A couple of MUNs
Softball for 2 years</p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>