Every student is different, so the timeline will be different. Some students are ready to move off campus before they even get there (and regret having to be in the dorm in the first place)…and others do well by staying there all 4 years.
A sort of ‘panic’ kind of sets in about the middle of fall semester, when UA Housing asks existing dorm students to start the re-contracting process. Students are asked to indicate whether they plan on needing a dorm or not for the following year. This sets off a flurry of parents (usually) and some students trying to find housing for the following fall, a full 9-ish months ahead of time. Wait, what?! Wait lists go up. Social media freaks us all out a bit too much about this, IMO.
Most freshman are just settling into UA and to dorm life…and moving off campus is a pretty scary proposition at that point (~Oct!)…and many are just not ready to take this task on of finding their own accommodation. Most freshman students have just gotten to meet people and are starting to form friendships that might develop into future housing arrangements, but these are by no means set in stone. Very few students are in a position, just 2-3 months into school, to figure out what they want to do regarding housing. So my advice is to wait and not sweat it, if you can. If you think that you’d like to stay on campus, by all means go down the re-contracting path, and pay close attention to deadlines, in order to keep your options open. UA holds off-campus housing fairs 2x a year, once in each semester. There is NOT a shortage of housing in/around Tuscaloosa! They are blessed with a good blend of choices to fit everyone.
Most off-campus leases run Aug-to-Aug, but you might find some that run June-to-June, or some other combination of 12 months. Be aware that you will be paying for 3-4 months that you don’t need in that apartment, unless you either stay in town (work or go to summer school), or if you sub-let out to someone else to pay your rent for you (check if your complex/lease allows this). Be sure to factor in those ‘extra’ vacant months into your budgets.
My personal opinion is that existing Freshman in the dorms are VERY likely to be able to be recontracted to stay in the dorms for their Sophomore year, IF they pay attention to Housing deadlines, pay their deposits, etc. No guarantees, of course. But growth is/will be leveling off (right UA?!), and both Pres I and II are built, and any future re-dos/teardowns of existing dorms are happening in a very planned manner.
If you decide to move off campus, do not be scared into signing leases because there are wait-lists at certain places, etc. Yes, sometimes the early bird gets the worm, but there are also those same worms who have very specific requirements or budgets. Sooooo, if you have a specific need (monetary or otherwise), it is wise to start looking as soon as possible. That said, I hate remembering the pressure we put on our Freshman son to try and get a firm decision out of him when he had only been at school a few months. It became clear (when he did absolutely nothing about looking for apartments) that he was not ready to move off campus, and so he stayed in the dorms another year. Had he not been able to stay in the dorms as a sophomore, my advice/tale might be different, but my advice would always be to not sweat things - let your student take the lead and find their own place (with your help, if needed), but definitely let them handle it. It is a life lesson that we should not take away from them!