The World History SAT Subject Test Thread- June 3rd

<p>Any questions/comments/tips can be posted in this thread, so it's easier for one to find an older question (so someone doesn't have to re-answer the same question)...</p>

<p>First off, What books/media are you using to prepare for the test?</p>

<p>im using barrons. what about you?</p>

<p>the barrons book is SOOOO BORING omg...</p>

<p>All I did was study Barrons and I got an 800.</p>

<p>Would it be possible to use Barron's AP instead of SATII and still get an 800? Should I get Barron's or Kaplan's?</p>

<p>charchazwick, can you give me any study tips please?</p>

<p>Yea, which is better Barron's SAT II or Kaplan SAT II?</p>

<p>i'm using Kaplan...</p>

<p>how does sat II world history differ from the ap world history test? is there anything extra i should study since i already took the ap test?</p>

<p>how's kaplan sallybowles?</p>

I like Kaplan. I haven't read any of the other prep books, so I suppose I'm a bit onesided. Overall, I think it gives a good overview.</p>

<p>ok... I'll get kaplans. but i hope it doesnt underprep. I really need that 800. another question, are there tests at the end of each chapter (like little quizzes, comparable to the barrons chapter quizzes?</p>

<p>Can anyone answer Sparkles' question?</p>

<p>Are you all taking this test as sophomores? Will it be your first SAT Subject Test? If not, any advice for first-time test takers?</p>

<p>How many hours of prep do you have planned for this test?</p>

<p>How do you balance the prep along with end-of-year finals?</p>

<p>Thank you, oh wise students, for your responses...</p>

<p>Yeah, I'd love to know the answer to Sparkles' question :S I just took the World History AP test so I'm wondering if they're similar or if one or the other is easierÂ…</p>