The World Theme Housing Community at VT

<p>So I'm applying ED and I know have some time until I get accepted or not accepted, but I'm really interested in The World Housing Community. </p>

<p>What is it like/what is it all about?
It says online that there's a class that's required with it, is it hard, interesting, fun, etc?
Is the community diverse, or are most of the international students from the same general area/country/region?
Are there actually opportunities to have language/speaking groups?
Do international and domestic students actually mix/become friends?</p>


<p>I can’t speak for the World Housing community specifically but I know people who were in Hypatia and leadership training and I think their experiences will apply to some of you questions. Most of the themed living communities I know have a class. Usually they’re pretty simple and most of my friends viewed them as an annoying hindrance. I mean that in the sense that they weren’t nearly as hard as your average class but it was that something extra in work no one wanted to do on this or that night. Usually the people who were in themed housing enjoyed it. I mean the whole point in themed housing is that your around people who enjoy something just like you do. So you should bond with these kids relatively easily. I mean that’s the whole point in themed housing. So overall I would say it is worth it. </p>

<p>A little something to remember though. If I’m not mistaken the world themed housing is in Slusher. I wouldn’t live in Slusher if you paid me too. Slusher is the HOTTEST, SMALLEST, and WORST dorm to live in. I personally would not be able to live there and I’m not sure that the “community” atmosphere would be enough to keep me from changing my mind. Maybe it will for you. Maybe not. That’s only something you can find out by actually going through with it. But if the housing is in Slusher then housing is a definitive negative</p>

<p>I am a current freshmen in the Residential Leadership Community, another LLC. I put out a post about it so look for it if you are interested</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>It says on the VT website that the World is in Newman Hall. Is Newman nice?</p>

<p>I don’t know anything about newman to be honest. But as long as your not in slusher you should be fine. From The various dorms I have been in they are all very similar and livable with slusher being the notable exception. Newman is right beside Owens’ dining hall and Hokie grill so that’s a plus… atleast for me it would be :)</p>

<p>The world housing is good, but be prepared that living with international students is not as idyllic as you might think. Exposure to different cultures is awesome, but I’ve had friends who did it that had issues like their roommate talking on the phone to family in the middle of the night (because of their nation’s timezone) and issues like that. Theme housing that is the best is definitely PY (the leadership thing) and Hillcrest/East AJ (Honors). Those dorms get suites.</p>