Theater and musical theater majors, anyone have a student involved who could share info?

Hi, my senior HS daughter is interested in Theater and Musical Theater, among other things. We are visiting on Monday, but are not going to be able to speak with a faculty member while we are there. If someone has a student involved in theater or musical theater, I would love to hear some input from them, the feel of the program and the intensity of the work, the productions, etc. Thanks! If you want to PM that would be great too!

Check out this very positive press that lists UA in a top 10 for BA Theatre programs. Add to this the planned develoopment of the Bryce property for Fine Arts.

Have a great visit to UA! check out this thread for info about the new Performing Arts Center to be built on the newly acquired Bryce lan.

You may want to post this question on the Musical Theatre forum in addition to this forum.

You could also join “The University of Alabama Parents” page on Facebook and ask there. You can always leave the group later. I know I’ve read some stuff from parents of kids in the theatre department.
I posted on there to see if they will come over here to reply.

Most theater classes are in Rowand-Johnson Hall. I’d get there early and hover for info and find students and staff to speak with.

Thanks everybody⁄

Just tonight I saw an impressive production of “Eurydice” by the Theatre program. Many of the cast were freshmen. There’s lots of opportunities to get involved. There is a student organization called APO that gets students involved. They have monthly performances called “Guerillas” that allow anyone to sign up and perform an act of their choice. APO also provides social opportunities like tailgates and parties.

They have productions all the time, and the ones I’ve been to have been quite impressive. I’m not a theatre major so I can’t give any more details but they have a good reputation. Have a nice visit on campus.