Theme dorms

So, is there anyway to tell which theme goes with which freshman dorm for the 2017-2018 year? Like which one is health and happiness, etc. just talking about the themes that do not require the extra process to apply to versus Social Immersion and Global Connections that do.

Did get a note that Social Innovation Immersion is Raoul Hall and Global Connections Program is Longstreet Means for next year, but I’m not interested in either of those, will the entire dorm be dedicated to these, or just floors?


@Movieman12 ; Those are special programs hosted by those dorms (which kind of have that theme but very few care) for those who actually care about the theme and maybe want to do an additional project or something cool. Honestly, if you are a truly ambitious student, whether you perfectly vibe with the theme, those types of immersive experiences are great ways to start at Emory because you will be part of another community and doing something quite meaningful in the first year (and getting additional mentoring experiences). It is less about the theme and more so the experiences those opps. provide.