<p>If you're not familiar with my background, I'm the girl who posted a few months ago about my chances ANYWHERE ... but specifically the University of Missouri-Columbia. I posted a thread called 0.87 GPA, where I talked about overcoming depression and panic disorder and a whole plethora of other things to get where I am now. I just spent last semester taking 14 courses (6 courses at school, 8 independent study courses to make up for all the bad grades I had in freshman and sophomore year) and ended the semester with a 3.83. It wasn't exactly the 4.17 I had last year, but with taking 13 courses, being editor of the yearbook and newspaper, writing for the local paper, and being cast in the fall production at school - that's saying something!</p>
<p>But anyway... I'm still waiting to hear back from the other schools, but I'm probably headed to my dream school, U of Missouri, to major in journalism in the fall. I know it's not the Princetons and Harvards you guys always fret about, but for a journalism student this is a big deal :) </p>
<p>When you enter your journalism studies or even after. you already have the topic for your first book. I think your rebound from the brink is nothing short of stellar and more the important fact is the urgency and commitment you set forth on to recover. Missouri is a great school they are lucky to have you.</p>
<p>Well, you are certainly a far more attractive college applicant than I was, so it doesn't surprise me one bit that you got into college, considering I did.</p>
<p>I graduated in the bottom third of my high school class with zero EC's, and it took me five years to do it. My unweighted cumulative GPA was under 2.5. My only positive attribute was an 1800 on the SAT, and even that is nothing spectacular.</p>
<p>From one aspiring journalist to another - congratulations! You've obviously worked really hard, and Mizzou is a fantastic J-school. Best of luck to you throughout college.</p>