Thin ice!

<p>I applied yesterday to UCF because I've entered a state of emergency...</p>

<p>I'm waiting to hear back from FSU on 3/14, but after getting DEFERRED from USF on Friday, I'm on the verge of losing all hope..</p>

<p>I have a solid GPA, but only 24 ACT and 1650 SAT (laughable, I know..)
Outstanding EC's...and really good essay(s). </p>

<p>But, getting deferred from USF (embarrassing) leads me to believe I now have no chance of getting into UCF, and FSU is a pipe dream...which it shouldn't be. Humbly speaking, I think of myself as an educated, well rounded person that is going to be screwed from these colleges. Am I selling myself short? I have been accepted to UWF, but that school just seems ridiculous...I believe I'm an FSU/UCF caliber student, but admissions won't think the same..</p>

<p>With these credentials and late application to UCF, am I screwed?? Admissions data shows that a 24 ACT is the 25th percentile, but I doubt this late in the process they're looking for 25th percentiles. </p>

<p>Thanks for any response...</p>

<p>I got accepted to UCF with a 1100 SAT 2 part, 3.91 GPA and 7 APs and like 4 honors. The first thing schools look at is how hard of a schedule u have. I am out of state living in VA and i have friends who got deferred from James Madison University, one had a 3.88 2000 SAT and like 5 APs, another had a GPA of 3.75 with a SAT of 1200 2 part, dont know his full SAT, although colleges just look at your 2 part, math and reading. Another one of my friends had a 3.8, 1550 SAT and like 4 APs. James Madison is not a hard university to get into but for some reason they deferred a lot of people. I think for some reason applying early is actually harder to get into than regular this year. </p>

<p>Don’t worry about it too much, what was your GPA and how many APs did u take?</p>

<p>Also the last two friends i listed got into George Mason university, which is better than JMU ranking wise and i think GMU is a more well known school. </p>

<p>I have just about the same SAT and ACT scores as you too and you are within UCF’s average, just make sure you write a good essay when you apply (judging by your post i think you will). </p>

<p>Just don’t freak out it seems like USF was your backup school anyway and remember at least you got deferred and not flat out denied, you still have a chance.</p>

<p>Yo MiamiDolphinsFan, what part of VA are you from?? I’m from VA too!</p>

<p>I’m assuming you’re instate. To be honest, one of my friends had the exact same thing happened. He got deferred from USF Tampa to USF St. Pete, denied by FSU, and just found out yesterday that he got denied from UCF. But one circumstance doesn’t apply for all. This was with a 3.15 GPA and 25 (or 26 I can’t remember exactly) ACT.</p>

<p>Pretty much, I wouldn’t bank on FSU, only because of being deferred from USF. I don’t know your GPA though, so if it’s like a 3.8+ then maybe there’s a chance. </p>

<p>It’s all a numbers game; test scores and GPA. Having an abundant amount of extra curricular activities, community service hours (unless it’s for trying to receive money from Bright Futures), or AP courses with average or below grades doesn’t do anything as much as people like to think. It’s all based on whether or not your stats are competitive enough with the incoming Freshman class. If a person’s stats are high enough and fall within the range of the school, then admission counselors usually won’t even read their essay or activity resume. </p>

<p>And it is unfortunate because you’re exactly right, there are many well-rounded people that could do very well at FSU or UCF but still get denied. Most of it is due to the fact the economy has hit Florida hard. Many people who would normally go out of state now have to stay in Florida, thus raising the amount of applicants. Overall, just keep your hopes up and look into other schools to expand your options, such as FAU, FIU, or FGCU. Not saying because you won’t get into FSU or UCF, but it never hurts to have other options. Good luck!</p>

<p>I completely agree vox…Unfortunate is the right word…I’ll apply to those “others” but I can’t see myself there!</p>

<p>Approaching two weeks…any other thoughts?</p>

<p>Jonny, im from northern Va, where u from?</p>