<p>Alright so I applied back in January, sent in my scores and everything and I'm deferred or so the myUCF portal says. Basically do I still have a chance and when will I know their final decision, or is this just a "filler" on the website until they go through it.</p>
GPA 3.9 w/ weight 3.7 w/o
SAT 1660
AP courses, band, NHS, plenty of clubs, and leadership. </p>
<p>I'm gonna call tomorrow but any advice would be lovely.</p>
<p>What’s your SAT, only Reading and Math combined?</p>
<p>1190 combined</p>
<p>I also found that my transcript is missing an online course of SS a half credit would that matter?</p>
<p>Wow, UCF really did get tougher to get into… Usually when they defer you they would ask you to improve something. Did you not see that anywhere?</p>
it didn’t say a thing, My only curiosity is that I keep receiving a bunch of stuff about their programs (excel) and to come visit the campus which I’m going to do really soon, I also am gonna resent my transcript when I finish my online course I’n the next day or two. This is really stressful, since UCf was and is my prime choice and I only Hve community college ad a fall back (due to a series of poor events I didn’t get decent sat scores till January) and I do not want to go to CC. :(</p>
<p>Unfortunately UCF is starting to get very selective, as they should be with the student body we’ve built up here. However, I didn’t think numbers like yours would start becoming deferrals so quickly. When I applied just a year ago the vast majority of people I knew got in with numbers similar to and even slightly worse than yours. I’m very surprised that you are deferred, but it may just be one of those things where numbers are up this cycle. A lot of college applications is very cyclical. One year the majority of applicants may be around a 3.8 and another it may be closer to 3.6. That, or it could just simply be the college is being more selective. Good luck with the deferral, you certainly seem to deserve it, unless theres something extraordinarily wrong with your application you left out.</p>
<p>Honey don’t worry. If you don’t get accepted for fall term, I can guarantee that you will be accepted for summer, at the very least. And summer term isn’t bad at all! If you don’t feel like physically taking classes over the summer and attending class, maybe take online classes instead? In any case, I wouldn’t be too worried. Just call them to see what’s going on.</p>
<p>My only possible guess is that my online course isn’t showing up on my official transcript, as in progress or anything, I’m assume that the deficit of a graduation credit would call for immediate deferral? Oh well, I’m gonna see what I can do, hopefully my counselor can help.</p>
<p>Dont worry about it, I was in your situation last year (with similar test scores and gpa), I called them up and e-mailed them, within a week or so I got accepted for summer term. So just call em up so they can push your application through and you wont have to go through this college app stress anymore. Good luck</p>
<p>wow, my sat is a 1160, 3.5 uw. 4.1 W and i got in for summer. but i applied back in november.</p>