Things I've Learned by Having Guys as BFFs


Sawing your foot off to survive isn’t about being physically tough. It’s about being a man, which in turn is based on a mentality that the opening poster will never understand.


I remember this vividly: When geek_son was born, the doctor turned to me and said, “Yup, it’s clear that this one will saw his foot off to survive. Congratulations, it’s a boy!”</p>

<p>OK, maybe not. ChoklitRain, I am curious about this. Have you actually sawed your foot off? If not, are you certain you would? Do the potential foot-sawing circumstances vary; i.e., you would do it if you had a nice, sharp pruning saw, but not your old, dull, slightly rusty Leatherman knock-off from Boy Scouts?</p>

<p>I’ve read plenty of stories about animals, caught in traps or landslides, gnawing off a limb in order to escape. I wasn’t aware that all of those animals were male (I wonder now if the female animals just squealed, “OMG I’m stuck in a trap with no way out, I wish I had a girlfriend here to share my misery!” and rolled over and died, taking a final, cold comfort in the intact nature of all of their limbs). Or are you suggesting that “being a man” is more of an animal trait than a human one? How did you come about this particular definition of manhood?</p>

<p>For my part, there is one thing I learned about men in college: When one tells you, “I’m complex,” RUN AWAY.</p>

<p>^ I was being facetious in both of my posts. Your response made me laugh, though, so thanks for that.</p>

<p>:D But if you’re “complex,” I’d still run away from you. ;)</p>



<p>Ok, I’ll let a movie tell me what I should believe instead of relying on personal experience.</p>



<p>Well this is peculiar.</p>


Well this is peculiar.


Not really; it’s better than “geek</em>mom’s DS.” :D</p>

<p>He doesn’t hang out on CC; I came here a year ago looking for information that would help me be a better help to him than the adults in my life were to me, and he finds my fascination with the site (and references to him as geek_son) mildly amusing.</p>

<p>When he heard me laughing over certain posts on this thread, he wanted to see what was up, so I handed him my laptop. Then he had something to say.</p>

<p>^ LOL 10char</p>

<p>im a guy here.
and i CANNOT believe that i actually read all that crap.
but, hey, you are right… lol
im gonna have to agree with wut ur saying.</p>

<p>Hmm. If geek<em>mom has a child, wouldn’t that child be geek? Which means geek</em>son is actually geek<em>mom’s grandson? Unless of course, geek</em>mom is also geek; in that case, geek<em>son would be both geek and geek</em>mom’s son. </p>

<p>Just saying.</p>

<p>also, OP is generally spot-on. Sure she generalizes, but I mean, who doesn’t? All in all, the thread is pretty accurate, and very very funny.</p>

<p>That’s scarily accurate…and the first time I hear a decent description of what it’s like to be a guy or at least what it’s been like for me i’m hearing it from a girl. Kudos TS =]</p>

<p>Pretty good generalization from your observations.</p>

<p>i love dude friends! i’ve always been a tomboy as far as like sports and video games are concerned so i kinda prefer to be around guys… it’s just so hard to have a platonic relationship with a guy >.< i’m always the first to say that it can happen but i sound like an epic hypocrite because at one point or another, the majority of my guy friends have had a crush on me -_-</p>

<p>Guy freinds or guys who want to use their pens? </p>

<p>I completely just came up with that right now :p</p>



<p>Most intelligent thing I’ve ever read.</p>

<p>As a straight male, I think the OP has hit on some truth, but in a roundabout way. I have become convinced over the last few years that there are some universal rules inherent to who we are as human beings, that remain true no matter how “normal” “unusual” or “complex” a person is. I can’t speak about non-heterosexual relationships, but I would suspect they follow a lot of the same principles.</p>

<p>1) Desire is based on perceived demand.
This is where the chase/the game come into play. The paradox is that if a potential mate is unavailable, she (or he) becomes more desirable. If available, then she must not be as good a mate if no one else wants her. Which leads to…</p>

<p>2) Desire is also based on perceived value among competitors.
I think that this is more true for women, but it also holds true for men (going back to what an earlier poster said about men wanting action vs women wanted confirmation). If a lot of a girl’s friends think a guy is attractive, she is more likely to think that that guy is attractive. This was an evolutionary mechanism to evaluate which mates were worth pursuing.</p>

<p>3) Men and women don’t want the same thing.
It seems obvious, but it’s true. Hugely generalizing, men want a lot of sex and women want stable sex. It stems from something called “differential parental investment,” which basically means that because the biological investment to produce a child is much greater for women (9 months of providing for two human beings, and likely about 15 to 20 years beyond that) vs men (15 minutes of energy expended, 2 minutes if the woman is unlucky), women tend to be much pickier about selecting mates, whereas men want to pass on their genes to as many offspring as possible. This fundamental dichotomy is responsible for a lot of the differences and tension in relationships between men and women.</p>

<p>The most sexually successful men are the ones who innately and subconciously know all of this. Everyone else either learns and does well, or doesn’t, and stumbles on limited success or flounders.</p>

<p>In terms of addressing what the OP said, most of the guys I know are not “wussies.” Regardless of their success with women, they don’t have any problem making a move. Also, as a RULE, if a man finds a woman attractive, and there are no consequences to doing so, he will have sex with her. Sure, I have female friends who I am content with not boning, but either I don’t find them attractive, or I totally want to bang them but the consequences of my making a move and potentially getting shut down would outweigh the benefits when there are so many fish in the sea.</p>

<p>op you are awesome.</p>

<p>Ahaha, I agree with that one. I thought it was really funny and, for the most part, pretty dang true - though I’d love to see one about girls too. And it is a generalization, people, and there are going to be exceptions. So no need to get angry over it.</p>