Things to do at Purdue?

I’m seriously considering attending either purdue or ohio state for engineering. Purdue gave me a lot of money and i loved the campus and program but am very hesitant because of the location. Is there things to do in Lafayette?? I read online that many people get bored at Purdue. PLEASE HELP.

@hannah1789 - well, what do you like to do? If you’re a city person who likes to try new restaurants on the weekends and explore new neighborhoods, you’ll hate West Laf! :D. Purdue always has things going on but some of it will or won’t be your style. There are shows and concerts - they get the same big musical shows Los Angeles does and great concerts for cheap. There are student groups and activities ranging from ballroom dancing to building go-carts for the annual race. There are multiple volunteer opportunities, parties every weekend, a fantastic student gym and year round sporting events. My D spent 5 years at Purdue and was never bored but she was also working her rear off and that helps. As an engineer, you will do the same! :slight_smile:

Did you read online that engineering majors at Purdue got bored? I’d be a bit surprised by that. My D is finishing up Sophomore year in Engineering and rarely has spare time after school workload and 2 clubs she’s involved in.

No doubt Columbus will have more to do than Lafayette/West Lafayette. So I guess you have to ask youself which is more iimportant - a great school and a great program that’s giving you more money, or more places to go to on the weekend.

My son is finishing up his freshman year at Purdue in Engineering and he’s loved it. He’s in the honors college (which is a minor time commitment) and joined a club (which is a major time commitment) and he enjoys spending time at the co-rec. He has been very, very busy. He’s never said that he’s bored - if anything, I suspect that he wishes he had more free time on his hands!

I think a better way to approach this is to consider what you like to do and ask about that. Purdue itself is a small city and will have many things to interest you. Sports just about any that might interest you, music, plays etc. they will be there but not at the professional level. Restaurants not as many as in major cities but what is there is pretty walkable either in W. Lafayette or over the bridge in downtown Lafayette. There will be just about any group or club you can imagine. What you will be surrounded by in nearly any college town is a sea of people around your own age. Each will have their own interests. Most students don’t venture much beyond the confines of campus. My D is a Purdue graduate and did do a trip to Chicago with friends a couple of times. They didn’t do it more often because they were too busy.