Those Dreaded SAT Scores

<p>i was just wondering why washington university in st. louis does not give the average sat writing scores of their admitted students. they provide the average math and reading scores but not the writing (do they possibly not count the writing?!?). does anyone know why this is?
also, my sat scores are above the washu average for reading (760) and writing (770), but below washu's average for math. i have a 660 math and the average is 690-780. will this really hurt my admission chances?</p>

10 characters</p>

<p>Under 25% is, unfortuantely, a significant negative.</p>

<p>Because writing scores don’t matter. Don’t listen to anybody on these boards. They are stupid. My mom works for Washu. She says hardly any colleges look at SAT writing scores.</p>

<p>They will obviously see that Math isn’t your strong suit. Just show that you are strong in other areas and it will account for your low math score. Personally I think you have great scores. Relax the SAT isn’t everything (or really as much as many ppl think it is).</p>

<p>yea that would hurt my score, but at least they see it i guess…</p>

<p>I think you have a fine chance. Apply and see what happens!</p>