<p>If you would so desire, would you please either PM or email to me (mollieb at MIT) your actual in-real-life name (and if you email, include your CC username) before Friday morning?</p>
<p>I promise not to sell your names to spammers or credit card companies or anything. But I'm not going to tell you why I'm asking -- it's a surprise!</p>
<p>EDIT: And by "actual in-real-life name" I do mean Firstname Lastname.</p>
<p>Hey, this whole people-don't-have-their-decisions thing is stressing me out too -- I said some very choice words to the computer in the microscope room today at the lab when it was slow in loading CC, because I wanted to see if anybody had gotten their tubes. And then I realized that I'm way too into this. :)</p>