Thoughts on the stages of a freshman's adjustment to college?

<p>I've been thinking about my D's settling into her freshman year. She is not a low maintenance girl and I'm thinking that I may be getting a lot of phone calls. Any thoughts on what reasonable phases I might expect? What's normal?</p>

<p>Whatever the rate of her calls in the first few weeks, expect them to decrease over time as she gets more involved in her studies, friends, activities, is more comfortable dealing with things on her own, etc. Now's also a good time to reinforce that 'she' come up to solutions to her issues as much as possible rather than relying on you.</p>

<p>Agree with above..of course, each kid is different. Mine never called his first year, calls more now (junior). Also, keep in mind any time she spends on the phone with you is time she isn't spending getting to know the other kids, etc..these first weeks she doesn't want to get the reputation of being the one who spent all her time sitting in the dorm calling her parents. If there are a lot of calls try to encourage her to make them brief and get out and do things.</p>

<p>Did you read "Letting Go" by Karen Levin Coburn? It's great for freshman's parents.</p>