Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@sajju786 everything you said about NU is correct.If you flipped the personal scenario to need based aid then picture become much different.
Finance - For students having cushion of healthcare parents, may able to carry the burden of debt in case worst case scenario materializes, student doesn’t want to be/can’t be doctor for whatsoever reason and money has been spent on UG years. This can be a real nightmare for student who doesn’t have that cushion and all of suddenly life is felt upside down and see rest of life in debt. Just a cautionary tale.

Just tumble upon an article, which I think interesting enough, particularly the link in the article that tried to understand mindset of pre-med students.


Disclaimer: I have no relationship whatsoever with this site.

Thanks for your excellent input and perspectives. I completely agree with your approaches and ideas. I agree ROI, money making, etc. is like what you said. It’s like driving from A to B by Corolla or BMW. Both takes you to the same place but with a different experience. This experience is once in a life time experience. I had never seen a top 25 school before NU. After seeing that, if a kid is confident, has no issue with money, still I believe going through top 25 undergrad is the way. They can take a shot at Harvard or Stanford…

@diaash - thank you! Did you get an email as well OR just phone call?

I received an interview with Upstate Medical School and the interview style is MMI… does anyone have advice/ experience to give please?

Did the decisions for Boston University’s 7 year direct program already come out? Did all interviews take place on campus?


I had been to plently of “top 25” schools before. Some within my neighborhood too. Do yourself and your kid a favor. Don’t jump into assumptions that going to one of them is a pass for your kid to Harvard or Stanford medical schools. Hope it won’t be a complete blocker on the other side of the spectrum of possibilities. If you haven’t already read my earlier post, please read it about the potential pitfalls with those kind of assumptions.

Whatever you decide do so after due diligence and homework. If you are alluding to NU, based on comments of others it seems fine to go there for traditional route undergrad. But the same can’t be said about similar schools such as the ones I listed earlier in my post. Some more that fall into that category: MIT, UCLA, UChicago and possibly UPenn.

@themedgirl1 Which undergraduate did you apply through for Upstate?

GL to your DD at HPME. Sure, if you consider that is your best choice, go for it. Please visit Princeton campus on a weekend.

DD chose Temple BSMD over UCB CS because of the grade deflation concerns. She could have tried traditional MD route by completing pre-med requirements at UCB.

Sophie Davis. Can anyone comment on what aid scholarships they give? Housing is $17K. It is my understanding the full tuition Macauley Honors Program is not allowed to be used for SD program.

@behappy101 All Boston University SMED interviews are done. The results come out on the portal on the same day BU posts for all undergrad. Typically this is the 3rd Sat of March so likely on 16th March

@@Mahikesh Some “Top UG” campuses nearby are Columbia, Yale, Cornell, UPenn, MIT, Harvard. You may just want to visit and compare with NU.

@OldSchoolMD – your long comment makes a lot of good and insightful points, but one of your points lost me. You say that certain situations could derail a student’s path by affecting GPA, seemingly to support a decision to go BS/MD instead of traditional route. But while BS/MD has the virtue of a guaranteed seat in med school, isn’t the program at least as intense as the regular route, and aren’t there GPA metrics that have to be met to proceed to the guaranteed med school seat? If so, how does BS/MD inoculate against situations that could adversely impact GPA???

@rk2017 sorry I am not aware of earlier discussion
Are you saying northwestern undergrad is easier compared to Mit Stanford u penn If someone wants try traditional route?
My d is not sure if she wants to become a doctor
So she applied to only Uic gppa and applied to other ivies for undergrad including northwestern

@NJDad00 There is a lack of visibility on the matriculation rate to medical school for all so called guaranteed BSMD programs. It is assumed that all these smart kids will satisfy the program’s GPA and MCAT requirements. IMHO, this is a fallacy. All these program with any preconditions on matriculation to medical school are NOT riskless. Folks talk about 40% of traditional MD route success rate but no one knows actual success rate of so called guaranteed BSMD programs. Those who fail in BSMD programs either try traditional route MD/DO programs or drop out.

@Krupa2019 UG GPA and MCAT scores are important metrics for traditional route MD admissions. All these “Top xx” UG programs may affect GPA adversely. Go where you can shine and be a top dog so that you have a decent chance to get into a medical school. There are some well known grade deflation schools and some ivies are known for grade inflation.

@grtd2010 I guess you just answered partly to what @CurleyFries was asking earlier.

@Krupa2019 can imagine the situation when kid is not decisive on MD route. In that sense good UG would provide a great foundation should that student decide to pursue non-MD healthcare route. NU has quite a few of those programs and sure other schools offering something similar.
Other dual degree programs in healthcare.
NUPSP program is like BS/MD program at other schools, treat it like HPME program after 2 years in UG.

Thank you @PPofEngrDr and @grtd2010 ! Yes #3980 answered partially what I’m looking for -

I am aspiring BS/MD applicant and currently in my sophomore year. I have Pre-cal, AP environmental science, AP computer science A, essentials to health care with other regular courses this year. Last year took AP US gov. in freshman year. I did volunteering during the past summer in 3 local hospitals with about 160 hours and do weekly volunteer at an old age home and at pediatrician office. I am part of HOSA club and girls robotics team at school. I am also playing girls basketball at JV level currently.

I will continue the hospital for next summer plus trying to finalize the summer research opportunity.
Can you please advise if I should add anything specific to my resume in the next 2-3 years which will help me to be a good candidate to apply. Currently my GPA is 4.0 but that’s just 8th grade(some courses) and freshman year. I did my first PSAT in 9th and got 1210 without studying.

In my Junior year courses i am planning to take AP Cal AB, AP Bio and AP Lang as APs Rest regular courses. I had a question regarding Calculus: - should i opt for AP Cal Ab or AP Cal BC?