Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@hoop897 Are u referring specific BS/MD program requirements or talking about specific MD school admission?
If BS/MD, go the specific section in their web site for that program or call and talk to the program office if not specified.
If it is regular MD admission, subscribe to MSAR and you will get all stats related that college.

@GoldenRock - Keep it for your childā€™s child :slight_smile: I told my DS I would do that if money is left after medical school. That will happen only if he goes instate (CA) or gets merit. We are NOT using 529 for UG living expenses.

Is UMKC result out ?

Thx @GoldenRock . For BSMD program. On the website they mentioned minimum scoreā€¦I just wanted to find out the numberā€¦ Try to call themā€¦ Thx

@hoop897 Agree, Web site info is so weird. So best call the office and get it clarified. Here is the data from MSAR. I suspect expected mcat should be low similar to GPA.
MCAT 509 / 513 / 517 / 520 / 522 (10-90% 509-522, 25-75% 513-520, Median - 517) Mostly they expect 509 based on GPA.

cGPA 3.52 / 3.67 / 3.84 / 3.96 / 3.99
sGPA 3.43 / 3.61 / 3.81 / 3.95 / 4.00
for gpa web site stated , 3.5 for cGPA and 3.45 for sGPA. So I assume the lowest.

Get it clarified. Either way, getting 514 or so is possible for good test takers of these BS/MD students.

Thx @GoldenRock ā€¦ Call them Monday.

Question 1 - Considering she was accepted at WashU, are there any other BS/MD programs where your DD has been accepted? If yes, any reasons why they are NOT on the table?

Question 2 - Have you spoken with any BS/MD students at WashU? What is their perspective on maintaining the ridiculous GPA and MCAT requirements? What about the support system there?

Duke: I know of a case where a student moved from Duke to UMichigan due to perceived racial bias at Duke. I hope that is an isolated incident and not representative of the college. You may want to check out their social environment.

@positivelybsmd - I agree 100% with @GoldenRock and he gives the best advice!.

I am never on this one year savings for doing 7 yrs and making money one year early (and compounding the wages)ā€¦ Remember all these kids are expected to live into 90+ and work into their 70s. Thatā€™s the reason we didnā€™t even apply to UMKC and my DS gave up 7 year programs and going for traditional paths. You get to enjoy college once! (grad school doesnā€™t count)

In your situation I would take GPPA over Pitt GAP but if kid really wants to go away from you for UG, let him do that. I encouraged my only child to go out of state and I do see the difference, now he wants to come home for every break :slight_smile:

Not knowing any other details, my view is to consider Jefferson/ PMM.

Having said that, wait till your UPitt interviews/ results. If you get accepted at UPitt, in my view, that should be viewed as the potential first choice.

I would skip UMKC on the grounds of 6-year program and lack of support to students there.

@pun2018 - congratulations!


PAā€™s instate tuition fees for undergrad are among the highest in the country - 3 times that of NY (for non-empire scholarships folks) and ~ 4 times that of TX.

UPitt is an ODD BALL and has an OOS preference despite receiving $150 million from PA state.

@Greentree2000 Congratulations
Looks like I was late to the party!


You mean the higher instate fee for undergrad or for med school? Very odd if even for undergrad!!
Are they generous with financial awards/scholarships?

@rk2017 - regular undergrad.

@gallentjill Question regarding binding admission. If we decide to apply outside leaving guaranteed seat in MD program, do they give committee letter or they do not give letter at all?

One factor that can override all other consideration is the ā€œdream schoolā€ factor.
Does your DS have a dream school? If yes, it may well worth the extra $$ - as they say - pursuing & ACHIEVING your dreams is priceless! And you only do college once!

@DSOF20192023, @gallentjill,

Based on what they told at the program my D is attending, there shouldnā€™t be any issue if you choose to apply out (other than losing the guaranteed seat). You may have to notify them ahead of time though, based on each programā€™s specific requirements, so that they can offer the vacant seat to someone in the traditional route. Recommend you to get it confirmed that though.

Is anyone in the VCU BS/MD Program or knows a lot about it? If so, could you please provide some insight here or pm me over the program itself and the rigor etc. I got into the program and am deciding whether I should go but I donā€™t see many posts here talking about the program itself in detail.

@NoviceDad Search Wayoutofwestmom posts. There is a link to the unique situation of Pitt SOM. It is NOT a public university (though most think it is public). That is why the IS and OOS is almost same (some $1k or so different).
Actually something unique about PA state for medical education. I donā€™t have time to search back old posts.

Same thing, every one thinks Baylor SOM is part of Baylor UG. No. Though the name is same, Baylor SOM is different. Still it needs to abide TX state regulations and hence need to take more TX residents. Again check WOMM posts on Baylor.

@RedRocketz If you are looking for current students, you need to identify from previous years results threads and send a PM.
They are not having time to review all these posts. Only some parents (current and previous years) and current students spend time on this thread.