Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@RedRocketz . I am a parent. My DS got accepted to VCU. We knew a senior from his school went 2 yrs back . He talked to her and she is doing well and happy about the program too…

@Greentree2000 - are WashU results out? I thought they do their interviews the last weekend in March?

UPitt, Temple and PennState - all have what is known as “state-related status” - so they are NOT strictly private universities.
Without that status, they can get the $150 million from PA’s state annual budget.

Typo - without that status, they CANNOT get the $150 million from PA’s annual budget.

@NoviceDad Some weird stuff with PA medical school. You think $150 million is a money to talk in State budget. It a penny! Random search says $32.7 Billion for PA.

I hear you. I also live in a state where all that I do is work hard to earn and pay all to uncle Sam and Sacramento and now I can not even reduce the tons of tax on State and Property tax in my federal. Let us not digress this forum.

It is all about middle, quoting Maren
Oh baby, why don’t you just meet me in the middle?
I’m losing my mind just a little

Is there anyone here that is familiar with Augusta’s program?

My HS doesn’t allow any AP classes for freshman. Due to this, I will only have 1 AP class during Sophomore year and 4 AP classes junior year. I’ll have 6 AP classes senior year and at time of application I will only have 5. Is this fine?

@bearsfan21 - That’s fine. Colleges look rigorous curriculum available at each school.

@bearsfan21 Yaa completely fine – our school only allows us to take APs as juniors or seniors and even then only 2 or 3 a year.

@pun2018 Congrats on Augusta admission. I suggest you to visit Augusta before committing. One of my friend’s D is in that program (BS completed, now in MD). Out of 30 or so started in her batch, only half remained in MD program. Main reason is they could not sustain GPA requirements. Heard they made it harder over years to get good GPA. Augusta mainly takes GA residents and few OOS (you are one of those lucky ones).

From their web site
Additional requirements of students in the BS/MD program include successful completion of an interview following the first year of study, maintaining a cumulative and science + math GPA of 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 at the end of the first, second, and third year respectively, completing 40 hours of volunteer clinical service in a medical facility by October 31 of the third year, and achieving a minimum score of no less than the prior year’s national mean for medical school matriculants on the MCAT. The MCAT must be taken no later than September 30 of the third year. Due to the nature of the curriculum all courses are to be taken during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year. Students enrolled in the Professional Scholars program do not have the option to take courses out of sequence, repeat courses, or take courses at another institution during the summer.

@DSOF20192023 sounds brutal lack of flexibility is recipe of disaster for circumstances out of your control.

@bearsfan21 - perfectly fine. They look at your course load relative to your school. You will not be penalized for things outside your control, like no APs during freshman year. My DS school didn’t offer APs until this year, his senior year, and I’m not sure how big of an impact it was. He still was granted several interviews.

Upitt: It was in relation to OOS vs IS.
UPitt’s revenue is about $2.2 billion and after Tuition and Grants, PA appropriation is the third biggest item.
My only point was despite getting money from the state, they discriminate against in-state students.
Which is why out of ~10-12 BS/MD seats, only 1-2 are from PA. That’s all.

We are work for Uncle Sam, topic for another day, another time!

You are worrying about things outside your control. Your transcript will show what the school does and how you stack against your peers.
Focus on things within your control - like getting good grades, great SAT/ACT scores and your extracurricular activities. And then at the appropriate time, on your application.

@hoop897- How does she like it there?

@CCclassof2023 I hope you are asking about VCU?? She likes the program…Once I talk to her parents I will know more… Will update

Okay thanks.

Thanks @PPofEngrDr

I pm’d @ppst Awaiting response.

@hoop897 or any one if you have got interview for Cincinnati, it is a good flexible program. I reviewed this morning their site to answer your question. That is the flexibility helps. Also remember it is on the other side of the river and if you take residence in KY right from first year of MD you get resident fees. Also their Ped is very good.

The UG admission officer followed up with my D in her cycle. He was intrigued some one applied from her school, because that is where the officer also graduated some 25+ years back.