Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@bsmdbamd Rat race never ends. Rather hopefully the perspective of that may change, probably for you as a parent and also for the student. Rat race continues in MD also, because Step scores and grades are important for residency. Then that continues for fellowship. But at some point we try to balance out and prioritize and accept.
For example a student may be content with a school or what he gets may be different, though s/he may be capable to reach certain target.

HPME is increasing GPA every year
Don’t know why ???
Maintaining 3.7 is very tough at NU


Disagree my son knows 5 HPME freshman (I don’t remember how many are admitted as HPME) and they are all doing fine. May be @NoviceDad can shade more info as a HPME freshman parent.


No, nothing like that. But just making it a point that it may be easier to outshine in some schools and not so in others. As long as the student is committed and putting full effort, no need of being scared. However better think twice when deciding to go to schools like aforementioned if having plans to go to medicine later. Also add MIT, CalTech, UChicago (may be?) and similar to the list. NU definitely doesn’t belong there.

When are the Sophie Davis decisions coming out?

@PPofEngrDr I think what @rk2017 means is grade deflation at these schools like UChicago, Princeton and Cornell compared to NU, not necessarily the ranking or rigor of education you get there.

@mimic17 why you think maintaining 3.7 is tough? Can I ask if you are in HPME or regular undergrad?


to me that just sound like easy HS become now easy college, i don’t know if there is an easy medical school.

agreed, don’t take it granted any school one accepts admission to.

Sometimes i think medical student like an iron ore, going through heat for a long time in order to become a steel. You can’t just increase the heat that may reduce time to become a steel.

Congratulations @ZealousScholar @bsmdbamd @Ighosh @HPMEhopeful for HPME!

Am in HPME
2 years back was 3.5 when I got admitted
Now 3.7
Am not going to argue here but it all depends on individual to maintain or a challenge

@Mimic17 ok thank you! I’ll PM you with few questions if you don’t mind.

I’m aware Case Western Reserve University PPSP hasn’t gotten much attention here lately as decisions are not out yet, but any opinion or first (or later) impressions on their program. We were very impressed with their program. Research readily available to undergrads and the Cleveland Clinic right there as part of University Square campus makes it ideal for premeds. This is consistent with their statistics that 13% of their graduates (not premeds but whole student body!; granted it’s a smaller school of 5200 undergrads) go on to medical school. It’s a top 25 medical school and top 40 university (if you go by the controversial USNWR rankings). No MCAT required. 3.63 GPA requirement. Anyway, I was just curious if anyone had any thoughts on their program.

We declined the UMKC offer to get out of the way for the waitlisted students. I really appreciate all the energy and time put forth by the students and the parents here. Very grateful for all the advise we get from you all as this process is really a rollercoaster ride for us.

@OldSchoolMD CWRU is a good choice. Wait until all your offers in hand and then decide.

For few of you it may take all the way till April 25th or so if waiting on R/B results.


GWU has a much better residency match than UConn.
Reputation wise also GWU > UConn.

@bsmdchat20, @NoviceDad,

Better wait till the alternate status and any financial awards at GWU are resolved and then decide.
As I understand Connecticut is the bird in hand at the moment. And to bring it into perspective, I think there was this student in 2016 cycle, a Connecticut resident I believe, who chose the Connecticut program in preference over Yale traditional route (Check the results thread of that year to be sure). Both the programs give you the option to apply out later if desired.


NU over GW.

NU’s 3.7 is doable.
A key reason for that is NU’s 10-week Quarter system and 2-3 mid-terms that every professor schedules.

As far as I know, all current HPME students are above the GPA requirements.

Other NU info:(something I shared in Dec in the experience thread)

DD completed first quarter at NU HPME.
Did well and survived first of three quarters of Orgo. For my personal reasons, not sharing her GPA till end of the year.

HPME seems focused on academics.

From my experience, NU’s “fun” activities are about ~ 20-25% of PennState, UPitt, Temple, UMichigan & William & Mary.

Plus NU follows 10-week quarter system with 2 to 3 “mid-terms” which means most HPME kids are studying to maintain their high GPA requirements.

Most courses have curved scoring, like in many colleges.
In one Orgo class mid-term, median scores were 66% and B- cut off was around 78% and <10% students had >78%. Typical weed-out course. Note - students need >3.5 GPA in sciences and > 3.65 overall I.e. > A- grade.

Plus NU has distribution requirements which can make students take “stupid” courses just to meet their course distribution requirements. Eg History of Religion course.
This is part I, as parent, that I do not like.
I am paying for classes that has NO value to the growth of the student. I would rather substitute such class with a class that a student would like but I guess NU folks think such classes are needed.

DD missed the research boat this quarter but may explore in summer.

Case is a very good program and with their affiliation with Cleveland Clinic since last year, it has improved on the reputation value.

One of my friends’ D has passed out of that school.
Academically it is a very sound program.

Two points to note:

  • Case has the worst dorm rooms of all the colleges we visited and you have to stay 2 years in such dorms. Very tiny and you have to share the rooms.
  • there are many new developments happening around the college but in the past there were limited activities for students to do outside college.


I bet you haven’t been to BU dorms :slight_smile:
Fortunately no 2 years mandate though!

Also reminds me this regarding grades. In general chemistry II (not even Orgo), on one if the tests, D’s score was 76.5 (which would have been a C+ at most). Once the Prof finished distributing the graded papers to all the 70 or so students, announced the median of the class was 52 or 54 and the highest score 76.5 :smiley: So obviously he had to curve.

Same is the case with ongoing Orgo II

@NoviceDad - Thanks. They’re formal affiliation with Cleveland Clinic only officially started last year? They’re so close almost on top of one another it only seems to make sense.