Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

For those of you committed/going to commit to BS/MD programs, how many of you are considering biomedical engineering majors? What other majors are you all considering (apart from standard bio/chem)?

I think the major of choice is also dependant upon the school and the number of requirements attached to that major, but I have considered others like Psychology, Neurology, etc.

@Ersatzelevator1 It is a bad idea to take MCAT until you are fully prepared. You need to take at least Organic Chem I & II and a Biochemistry I class and other pre-med pre-requisites. MCAT scores do not go way.

@whitecane wrote

How can a director help with GPA ? S/he is not going to help with the class material and tests. You usually become a CA/TA for a class that you have taken earlier and got an excellent grade. One can take some easy classes to boost GPA.

MCAT need not be intimidating to anyone who got into a direct med program. I hear of kids at places like BU cracking the 520 mark in 2 years, even as the requirement of the program is >= 80 th percentile.


You are absolutely right. What I meant was that the director will help you find methods and ways to add credits to your transcript (if you need it, I dont think GAP students will be needing this help). This is what the program director explained to us, and Iā€™m sure she/he knows what they are talking about.


Thanks for posting for your D in the Results thread. Great choice and good luck to her.

By the way, not really sure why she thought NJMS was the worst among the schools she interviewed at. In my opinion it is the 2nd best, next only to NU among those where she interviewed :wink: I am sure she may have already or will realize it shortly and will have a great time ahead.

@Mahikesh your Dā€™s medical related ECs are at undergrad level. I am surprised that she didnā€™t get more interviews,

@rk2017 , my daughter thought that the interview didnā€™t go well at NJMSā€¦ she thought that did other interviews extremely wellā€¦actually NJMS is her second choice out of all after HPME due to multiple reasonsā€¦

@srk2017 not sure what happenedā€¦ SAT could have been betterā€¦ didnā€™t have time to take more than one timeā€¦ bad planning

Depending on the college requirements, biomedical engineering can be a good choice. I think it can be managed at UConn.
Other choices are up to you and the college - it could be Neuroscience or journalism or computer science or anthropology.

We can analyze what worked and did not work but the fact every college evaluates it a little differently and one does not know where our profiles fit in.
But I do not think it was your SAT score.

Itā€™s a time to celebrate!

But I do not think it was your SAT score.


Correct, I agree with the above. I think NJIT mentioned in the faqs that the average SAT of recent batch was 1570 and ACT between 35 and 36 (looks like they were paying attention to decimal ranges). However that didnā€™t prevent her from getting invited and also getting full ride including getting paid for room and board. Quite a recognition! So the standardized scores are just one part of the puzzle (like MCAT in the traditional route)

@Mahikesh - congratulations to your daughter and your family! very impressive record/application. i strongly agree that the SAT score did NOT negatively impact her application. i am also scratching my head as i wouldā€™ve expected more interviews for your DD. this whole process has thrown me for a loop. iā€™ll save my comments for the results section, but just wanted to congratulate your DD and your family. iā€™m sure itā€™s a relief to have reached this stage. we hope to get there soon with my DSā€¦

@Mahikesh - besides rutgers NB, did your DD apply to any other colleges or solely those with BS/BA-MD programs? just curiousā€¦

@srk2017: My S is deciding not to accept Drexel BS/MD opportunity. He doesnā€™t see himself getting MD degree from Drexel. he has an aspiration from getting MD degree from a good medical school. Also, he feels the criteria for Drexel GPA: 3.6 & MCAT: 511 , with those scores he can get into any other school.

What are your thoughts on his interpretations? Thank you in advance

@ucmehta you are looking at half glass empty, not to accept, what are other choices to accept from?

@ucmehta FYI, DD did not choose drexel BSMD two years ago. Let your DS decide for himself. You do not need otherā€™s endorsement for that.

Your DS should take decision whatever is good for his future. If you belong to ORM category I donā€™t think 3.6 GPA and 511 MCAT score may get you in a med school leave apart a good med school.

@ucmehta Who knows, your DS can get GPA > 3.9 in UG and can get a MCAT score > 520 and can get into a highly ranked medical school. You just never know. Let him decide based on his own abilities. DD has a 4.0 GPA in UG and intend to take MCAT soon.