<p>and NHS member lol</p>
<p>This is for my gf so im really interested and worried now that I see other appliers gpa's and SATs</p>
<p>so again this is for a girl</p>
<p>My chances too, por favor!!</p>
<p>3.87 GPA (W)
CR: 640
Writing: 640
Math: 500
ECs: Cross country two years, over 2000 hours community service, tutoring homeless children and kids in my school, started my own JSA (Junior State of America) chapter and had to fight the administration to get it done, Improv Club for four years, Choir for four years, freelance writing for four years, active member of Student Government (activities coordinator freshman year, secretary senior year). </p>
<p>I applied for Journalism/Public Affairs. And I'm a girl. XD</p>
<p>What are my chances:
GPA 3.95 (UW) 4.6 (W)
SATs 780M 770CR 800W
SATIIs 8002c 790Physics 800Spanish 800 Biology</p>
<p>I really dont know what my chances are GW is so tough these days, any thoughts?</p>
<p>Conjenaility~~ Awww! Well woot for marylanders! And yes, I wish you the best of luck as well! Lets cross our fingers!</p>
<p>Touchthesky ~~ You seem to have lots of extra curriculars so im sure thats a total plus! And well, your SATs are pretty good except if your looking to get into something science or mathy, maybe that might be an issue but i dont see a problem!</p>
<p>Rockon~~ Your #'s are amazing so I wouldnt see why not!</p>
<p>most on her should have no problem being over 3.6 to a 3.85, the area where you may run into above that is how the university sees you as a possible enrollement and that is where interesting in the university comes into play. GW like many schools want lower yield rates, thus if they feel you may go elsewhere than GW for your studies they will reject you over someone who shows extreme interesting in GW. That is also why GW has about 900 kids of the target 2350 enroll from ED programs versus RD. Accpetance rate for ED is about 50% and RD is about 36, so some how it ends around 37-38 percent. Good luck to all applying!</p>
<p>I wouldn't worry anymore about your chances guys. Everyone will know their decision this time tomorrow. Good luck.</p>