Thread in which I plead to hear what people think my chances are of being accepted

<p>GPA: 3.6 (unweighted) 4 AP courses.</p>

<p>SAT: 1960/2400
V - 610
M - 600
W - 750</p>

took a directing course at UArts in Philadelphia,
was granted a scholarship to attend a leadership convention,
newspaper editor,
art club president,
SADD/French Club/Book Club/Service Club/Bowling Club member,
hospital volunteer, etc.</p>

<p>excellent recs (my teacher rec is a GWU alum) & creative essays.</p>

<p>Oh, I applied to the journalism school.</p>

<p>no idea, but love the thread title</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot. I have similar stats and I got in ED, granted not to the journalism school. Good Luck!</p>

<p>hmm... 1210/1600 is a pretty low SAT score overall with GW's standards, but you never know!</p>

<p>I am going to assume you are a girl, I am sorry if not, but if you are a girl you have I say a 50/50 chance. Admissions for girls is a bit more difficult than for boys thanks to the 55 to 45 ratio of girls to boys... If you happen to be a boy, welcome to GW</p>

<p>Well, I pee standing up.</p>

<p>So I'm in?</p>


<p>I do apologize profusely.... i saw art and service club and applied a horrid stereotype here in Tampa. Anyways, well seeing that my grades were no where near yours I say you have a pretty good chance mostly because GW needs/loves boys. If you do enroll as a student, it is good whether you are straight or gay, because the gay population is large and the girls crave for straight boys.... so enjoy either way</p>

<p>good luck and i cross my fingers saying... welcome to GW</p>

<p>Don't apologize! I wouldn't expect one to be able to identify my gender on a message board. </p>

<p>So if GWU needs some testosterone, here I come.</p>

<p>needs some.. it needs a boat load</p>

<p>If accepted, I'll do my best.</p>

<p>This talk of the need for boys is making me want to go to GW even more... ehh ehh</p>

<p>I think you have a really good chance.</p>

<p>My verbal/math is rather low, but I'd hope that they'd pay more attention to my writing score since I am applying for Journalism?</p>

<p>you should be fine for SMPA. my interviewer told me that my ECs would get me in and I'm editor for my paper and here I am... admitted ED to SMPA so yah... good luck and i hope to see you in intro to newswriting w/ me in the fall : )</p>

<p>considering i know someone who got in last year with a 1090 but pretty high SAT 2's and a part legacy status, I think you stand a good solid shot! Especially as someone brought up, being a male. all the best!</p>

<p>Knowing alot of people who have gotten in/rejected I can say that GW looks for applicants they know are well rounded, intelligent and will make GW proud as alum. I know really smart, motivated kids with low B averages who got in over relatively stupid, unmotivated kids with averages well within the 90's...the GW essays are meant to help admissions distinguish between who is foward looking and intellectual and will spend theit time wisely at GW and those who aren't and won't. Your GPA is in GW's range and so is your SAT score--I wouls say GW is a traget but if your essays were reaLLY good and if your interview went well (if you had one) then I dont think you should have a problem. Good Luck!</p>

<p>What about me guys</p>

<p>3.7 gpa</p>

<p>1800 SATS </p>

<p>varsity soccer 4 years, yearbook club, NHS member, SCA committee and I am a girl.</p>

<p>GW is my number one school and I applied to Georgetown, Hopkins, Washington University in St Louis, and University of Maryland college Park and of all of those so far have only been accepted by Maryland, waitlisted by Washingotn U, and rejected by the others.</p>

<p>I have a 3.74 GPA and a 4.5 WGPA with a total of 7 AP courses.</p>

<p>I have been in Mock Trial for three years, NHS member, Chorus, Math Team, and a Leadership Training Institute four year program.</p>

<p>Also, my SATS are:</p>

<p>V: 560
M: 720
W: 560</p>

<p>I am also, lol, a girl.</p>

<p>Let me know what you think!</p>

<p>aw cutebutton, im on the same boat. gwu is now my first choice--I just got rejected from Hopkins literally a few minutes ago by email, and the only school i'd actually consider going to (and have been accepte dto) is college park. i hope we both get in! Go marylanders</p>

<p>What are my chances gosh! lol plz im desperate</p>

<p>3.7 </p>

<p>1800 SAT</p>

<p>ECs - 4year varsity soccer, SCA committee, tutor during lunch times, Year book club, Superdance committee, Mr Oconnell comittee</p>