<p>OK, here it goes: I’ve been accepted to UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC, USC, and SFSU. I’ve narrowed it down to my three favorites: UC Davis, UCSB, and UCSD. So now what?! My major for UCD is Managerial Economics, UCSB is Business, and UCSD is Economics. Number one deciding factor: I want to love every minute of my four years at a UC. Anything else is icing on the cake. Death match: UCD vs. UCSB vs. UCSD…and the winner is??? Thanks in advance for the input!</p>
<p>my personal favorite is ucsd...</p>
<p>go to davis if you dont mind a (really) small town with hot weather. the people who go there seem to REALLY like it. lots of bicycles.</p>
<p>go to ucsb if you like to party and drink. i like in santa barbara, so i guess im just sick of the area. it really isnt that bad. it rarely gets really hot, and the beach is nearby if youre into that. shopping areas about 15-20 mins from campus. rent is expensive, isla vista is dirty, the students arent too bright</p>
<p>i liked ucsd's laid-back atmosphere. i also liked the weather. apparently the kids there study a lot and don't party. la jolla is ritzy and i guess ucsd students dont go downtown much. my friend told me that rent in LJ is so expensive that after their first year, kids have to move far away from campus so it kind of becomes a commuter school. this is still my favorite of the three though--but hey, i'm no expert.</p>
<p>Davis hot weather???? you gotta be kidding! It's in norcal= lots of rain</p>
<p>Here's the first thing(s) that pop into my head when I think about each school:</p>
<p>UCD: A true college town; great academic tradition; easy to meet people, super friendly, etc.; school spirit; fun times, but kinda fizzling nightlife; great all around, laid back, and enjoyable lifestyle</p>
<p>UCSB: Awesome campus and social life; too many fun options to mention; known as a party school all around the land; mixed student body? ("OC" kind of people or friendly people - help???); genuine college experience</p>
<p>UCSD: Beautiful campus; San Diego is gorgeous; real academic (UCSD = UC Socially Dead), but SDSU parties are close by; perfect weather; people enjoy their stay</p>
<p>So that's what I'm feeling...who like's which of these 3 the best and why??? Thanks much.</p>
<p>UCSB is Baumb!!!</p>
<p>yes but what about fall and spring? i know its really hot in the summer; i guess i just assumed it would be for most of the rest of the year...</p>
<p>Spring and fall in Davis are usually warm, sunny and nice. Winter can be a little cool or occasionally foggy. Total annual rainfall is about 17", I think. Summer is HOT but maybe you won't be here then, we locals get used to it! In the summer, it is refreshing to drive to nearby San Francisco and get sooo cold, but after a bit of that cold air, frankly I'm happy to get home to Davis!</p>
<p>Come on! I know a ton of us are having a hard time with this decision; share your words of wisdom!!!</p>
<p>My son is also trying to decide among those three schools. He has identical majors like you (UCD: Managerial Economics, UCSB: Business Econ, UCSD: Math/Econ joint major). He is leaning toward UCSD because of the academic reputation. We will visit all three schools during spring break before making the final decision. </p>
<p>We welcome any and all input and comments!</p>
<p>dad8888: thanks for your thoughts. Hmm...I guess I should meet your son because we obviously share at least one interest lol. My input/comments/opinion of these schools is what I wrote as post #4 in this thread. </p>
<p>I understand why he's leaning towards UCSD. Great economics program; did you know UCSD Econ is ranked No. 10 in the nation, ahead of UCLA, Columbia, etc.? You should see this article:</p>
<p>My major concern regarding SD is will it be too academic. I mean, I'm all for studying, getting high marks, etc., but I've heard there's not a ton going on socially unless you head to San Diego State for some parties.</p>
<p>Man, this is tough...who wants to help next???</p>
<p>UCSB and UCSD are pretty similar. But if you want fun I'd definately go with SB</p>
<p>How far is SDSU?</p>
<p>"How far is SDSU?"</p>
<p>UCSD and SDSU are like 15 miles apart.</p>
<p>I would narrow your decision down to UCSB vs. UCSD..They're both right on the beach...You have to decide do you want a more social school or school only known for its academics..Also are you into sports?because if you are UCSB would be a better choice, bc UCSD is a loser division 2 school. You'll get a good education at both, so I would choose UCSB because that is where you will have the best college experience.</p>
<p>I cannot understand all this love for UCD. I suppose if you really like the area thats ok but I can't get over that stench. Davis certainly smells like an agricultural area.</p>
<p>Son-of-NorCal, when/where did you smell this? I am on the UCD campus daily and haven't smelled it. I don't work right next to the student farm, though, I'm at the main quad area--</p>
<p>what can you do with a purely economics degree? isnt that pretty much a death sentence to be a econ teacher or one of those dudes with the colorful tie in the econ videos?</p>
<p>now if it was econ/business i think that would open more doors</p>
<p>madkapitolist: I'd be an econ major at UCSD because they don't have undergrad business, which UCSB does have. UCD has Managerial Economics which "goes beyond the limits of traditional economics and business majors, blending a thorough grounding in economic theory with business knowledge and applications." (UCD website)</p>
<p>BAUMB: If I straight up eliminate one of the three, it will be one of the socal schools. Yes, I am into sports, as is UC Davis. That reason, plus the experience of attending UCD as a whole, leaves it near the top my list for sure.</p>
<p>Thanks for the opinions. Anyone else?</p>
<p>Of the three, I would consider Davis as the happy medium in terms of academics and the social scene.</p>
<p>Since you are defending Davis that is obviously where you want to go...so there is your decision.</p>