<p>When you read the article posted by @consolation younghoss, maybe I will go through another far-fetched scenario</p>
<p>Really, in the real world, on college campuses, there are plenty of actual scenarios of colleges covering up rapes and intimidating and harrassing survivors who have come forward to report those rapes.</p>
<p>In the real world, there are all sorts of scenarios, think Stuebenville, of authority figures covering for athletes and others who have raped young women too drunk to walk, who have, in fact, provided that alcohol to those boys and girls. Sad but true.</p>
<p>As for the scenario put forth by another poster (not hunt, by the way), about a young man being drugged by a college age woman? I already said I consider that rape. Consent is the issue. </p>
<p>But, hey, any time YOU want to respond to the posts about actual women being intimidated by real world college students and administrators, that would be a welcome change to this bizarre conversation we are having right now.</p>
<p>In general, @younghoss, the person who is active and does the penetrating is the rapist in a rape scenario. A young women could possibly rape a young man under these circumstances, however, if a young woman is lying there practically passed out, and the guy is raping her, she is not actively participating. The nature of a man raping a woman is such that he is taking an action. He is doing something.</p>
<p>In a fist fight, for example, the person who punches me in the face is hitting me. I am not hitting him.</p>