Tips for CBH and UFE Finalists


<p>Some tips:</p>

<p>Everybody you meet will have a “say” as to whether you make it …and I mean everyone…current student members, secretaries, etc. So, be polite to everyone. </p>

<p>Never be seen checking a cell phone, texting, etc. If you need to text or call, go to the bathroom and do it in private.</p>

<p>Never discuss other schools or offers.</p>

<p>Be friendly! Smile! and look like you want to be there</p>

<p>Know how to introduce yourself and give a proper handshake (imp in the South and imp to Honors College).</p>

<p>Be aware of your social skills, manners, etc.</p>

<p>Bama honors is big on social skills, manners, self-confidence, etc.</p>

<p>Have a few questions to ask during the interview.</p>

<p>I have to qualify the “never discuss other schools or offers,” at least for CBH. The people you will meet are all aware that you, as finalists, are probably choosing between many great schools. They also value honesty!</p>

<p>That said, I think this tip comes from the idea that enthusiasm for Bama helps–and if you show preference for another school, it indicates that you may not accept the invitation if offered. Though several finalists each year decide to go elsewhere, CBH tries to minimize that number (mostly by hoping you guys will accept!).</p>

<p>THAT said, if you are an outstanding applicant, they will want you to join CBH–so they will definitely invite you.</p>

<p>I have to qualify the “never discuss other schools or offers,” at least for CBH. The people you will meet are all aware that you, as finalists, are probably choosing between many great schools. They also value honesty!</p>


<p>Of course honesty is appreciated. And, of course, everyone knows that other schools are a possibility. </p>

<p>However, since no one knows how the person who hears you mention another school will interpret or misinterpret your statement, and how they might share their opinion with others, it’s not a good idea to be talking about other schools that you may be interested in.</p>

<p>That said, if you’re rather certain that you’ll be going elsewhere, don’t lie and imply that Bama is your first choice.</p>

<p>Another tip…</p>

<p>If you’re arranging for an honors person to pick child up at the airport and drop child off later…then it’s nice to include a small thank-you token…</p>

<p>Like some local candy from your hometown or a mug or something small.</p>

<p>Since a different person may be doing each ride (one for pick up and one for drop off), you should bring 2 small gifts.</p>

<p>and, the driver could be male or female. lol</p>

<p>If you haven’t asked for this service yet, do so…and include flight info.</p>

<p>Actually, on that other schools point… in my finalist interview last year they outright asked what other schools I was considering and how high Bama was on my list. My response was something weird like, “I just got my last acceptance in from Vanderbilt, but I also bought this license plate today. I’m coming here.”</p>

<p>And definitely be relaxed (but not inappropriate, of course) in the interview – it’s three on one, but if you make it a conversation, it’s easy.</p>

<p>For CBH at least – when the current students tell you how things go with the first year of programming and then research projects, ask questions. Make sure it’s really what you want to do. I survived the first semester with a B+, but it really wasn’t for me… Dr. Sharpe and upperclassmen are very helpful in advising you on the matter, but it’s probably better to figure out whether you want to participate before you commit to the class (which is 4 hours and definitely demanded more time than anything else last semester).</p>

<p>That doesn’t so much apply to fellows since UFE is sort of a golden ticket, if you will.</p>

<p>Good luck to all the applicants!</p>

<p>Crazyinalabama11- hopefully, all of the interviewee’s are at Alabama, and already in interviews! Thanks for the advice though. Keeping my fingers crossed for all of the finalists. </p>

<p>Crazy- did you drop out of CBHP after the first semester freshman year?</p>

<p>Actually, on that other schools point… in my finalist interview last year they outright asked what other schools I was considering and how high Bama was on my list. My response was something weird like, “I just got my last acceptance in from Vanderbilt, but I also bought this license plate today. I’m coming here.”</p>


<p>Yes…that sort of question is sometimes asked. </p>

<p>What I was referring to is a situation that happened (that I’m familiar with) where a kid was talking about his other first choice school and it was apparent that he probably only went to the interview weekend for the free trip. Sometimes it’s not what you say, but how you say it.</p>

<p>m2ck, I definitely understand. That’s also unfortunate when finalists go though they know they won’t be attending UA… at least for all the kids who don’t make it to the interview with Bama as the first choice (that’s how I felt last year, at least).</p>

<p>Vlines – I did leave after the first semester. The research opportunities in later years are phenomenal, but the freshman class was miserable and stressful and, frankly, I had “better” things to do. CBH is a great opportunity and definitely an asset, but if I have other things going on AND I didn’t like it… I figured better to bail now. It’s kind of rough when you’re the only person in the class studying something in the humanities.</p>

<p>Thanks Crazyinalabama-glad you have other things going on. My son is CS/Math major and wants to go into research/development. So this is right up his alley. So sounds quite different than your situation! </p>

<p>I am glad you found your niche, and your story may be helpful to others!</p>