<p>I need $2000 for a summer program by early june (preferably may 28)
(ughh i am soo ****ed off right now, but ill stay on task :p)
any tips on how to get started?
i live in a city--- world headquarters of johnson&johnson, robert wood johnson university hospital, bristol-myers squibb....should i reach out to these busineses (yes hospitals are businesses nowadays :p) or stick with local things like mcdonalds, small family restaurants?</p>
<p>also how should i freaking approach people/businesses? lol
should i come with a poster presentation?</p>
<p>anyone else fund-raised before?</p>
<p>also the program is a business program at a rather prestigious business school (Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan)</p>
<p>^nahh besides that. I want to still remain classy. Prostitution just isnt classy -<em>-
and since when do prostitutes make THAT much?? o</em>O…if they do…hmm…pretty cool.</p>
<p>This may seem outdated now, as this happened in the late '90’s, but it could be worth a shot?</p>
<p>I was watching a program on Vh1 a few weeks back (keep reading, I know Vh1, pathetic) and it was about people remembering when they were 17. Anyways Perez Hilton was speaking about how he was a low-income student attending a prestigious private school via scholarship and how he wanted to travel with his class to Spain, he just didn’t have the funds. Well, he wrote multiple businesses about his situation and he actually received contributions from these businesses. Apparently these businesses could then write it off as a “charitable contribution” on their taxes.</p>
<p>I’m not sure it would exactly work in this day and age, or if you’re wanting to go this far, but idea nonetheless?</p>
<p>Having raised funds with my friends, maybe you can make proposals and distribute them to businesses. I think Coste’s right; businesses could write it off as charity as to minimize their taxes. That’s what happen in my country. </p>
<p>I’ve heard that quite a few religious organizations or your local church/temple/wherever you practice religion (if you do) are willing to help you out if you need $ for an educational or volunteer-based trip or a project you’re organizing… Try writing a letter</p>