TN Tickets.. Buy Now or Later?

I’m looking to buy three general seating TN tickets for myself (a current student) and my family. Should I buy them now when the cheapest tickets are around $175-200 or will the price drop the closer we get? Is there any cheaper places to get them besides stubhub and the like?
Is there anything else I can get secured for their trip to UA now?

I doubt you will see the TN game ticket prices drop much, especially if TN does as well as it’s predicted this year. You can always gamble that there will be scalpers looking to unload their tickets on the Quad after kickoff, but I wouldn’t bet on it. If you need hotel rooms for the game, get them now. All the ones in Tuscaloosa are probably all sold out or very pricey. You can get a room in Bessemer or Birmingham cheaper.

Definitely look at hotel rooms ASAP. As NoVADad said Bessemer or Birmingham will be cheaper, but if you’re looking for a hotel room in town get it as soon as possible.

As for the tickets, I’d advise waiting at least until early-mid August. Right now NO ONE actually has tickets to the games. Season tickets have not yet shipped. Even if you pay someone for a ticket now, you’re relying on the fact that they’ll ship it in August when they get it in hand. Also almost all the people selling tickets now are scalpers selling them for a profit. Once season tickets actually ship in August, then some season ticket holders who generally attend games, but can not attend a specific game for one reason or another may decide to sell, but they generally won’t list their tickets until they actually have them in hand.

Some people would advise waiting until game day, that always makes me nervous and I like to have tickets in hand before I travel to town, but personally I’d wait a couple more months before buying.