<p>i am in
11006 CHEM 1A LEC 002 4.0 MWF 1:00P-2:00P
11045 CHEM 1A LAB 500 Th 8:00A-12:00P</p>
<p>but i want to switch my lec time to</p>
<p>11003 instead</p>
<p>there is no option on telebears to switch lecs though (only dis times)</p>
<p>anyone know anything about how i might go about keeping the same lab but switching lec? I have a diff class i want to take in place of 11006</p>
<p>you are allowed to go to either lecture. You could even go to morning lec certain days a week and afternoon lec other days a week.</p>
<p>i know that…the problem is that when phase 2 rolls around in december for me telebears wont let me enroll in the other class i want because of the time conflict…its for the cs3L lab WF 11-2 and the current chem lec i have is mwf 1-2 which will not work</p>
<p>you can register conflicts.</p>
<p>oh cool, thx!</p>
<p>but just for future ref, there isnt a way to just switch the lec and keep the lab time?</p>
<p>^Not that i know of</p>
<p>anon2528462 is correct. it is ok to attend either lecture and schedule conflicts on telebears.</p>