Too much? Senior year

<p>I've started thinking about my schedule for senior year.
Too much science? I'm not sure what I want to major in but almost definitely something in math/science.</p>

<p>AP Earth and Environmental
AP Physics
AP Calc AB/BC (probably BC but not sure)
AP Stats
Anatomy and Physiology
English 12</p>

<p>Also should I change one of those to a language? I've only taken 2 years of Spanish but moved to a new school where it was much harder and I had to drop Spanish 3 this year. It is the only language class my school offers. I could take Mandarin Chinese online, or possibly Latin but I don't know for sure. It would only be one year, so I'm not sure if it would be worth it.
Thanks for any help</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s too much.
If you want to get into a top school, you should probably take another year of Spanish. There’s no reason to go into any other languages for just one year unless you just want to learn it. So, maybe drop AP Environment for Spanish? (OK, I’m really biased here because I can’t stand my AP Envir. class)</p>

<p>I’m not planning on applying to any top schools. I can’t take another year of Spanish. I’m too far behind. I could retake Spanish 2 but i don’t see a point in that.</p>

<p>Oh, don’t worry about Spanish then. I think your schedule looks fine.</p>