<p>I took Algebra in 6th grade I received 3 A's and one B+ in the 4 quarters. I understand that colleges look at transcripts for math back to junior high. I have a very high gpa in high school and 2280 on the SAT. Will that B in junior high when I was 11 years old hurt my application. I am shooting for the "Ivies". Thank you.</p>
<p>Sorry kid… better start looking at those Community Colleges…</p>
<p>Yeah they’ll auto reject you. Trust me, they want 11 year-olds taking multivariable calc and getting As in it.</p>
<p>I’m not sure if this is a ■■■■■ or you’re just that obsessive, but anyways no this will not affect you in anyway colleges look at year grades and semester grades in some cases and there is no way a “B in 6th grade” can have any affect on your resume -_-‘’</p>
<p>I took algebra 3 times because it was the hardest math my middle school had :P. Needless to say i’m pro at the quadratic formula.</p>
<p>you’re done, i even got asked for my elementary school math grades which prevented me from getting into harvard. I would set my sights for the Drexel type if i was you now given your horrendous middle school grades</p>
<p>Definitely…just give up & call DeVry.</p>
<p>[based on this guy’s other posts, I can’t tell if he’s a ■■■■■ or not, but I’m thinking so? anyways]</p>
<p>I’m really not sure about them looking into transcripts back that far. I mean I took Algebra in 8th grade <a href=“kidding%20btw”>I on the other hand, got A’s each term </a> but I haven’t heard of them doing that… so I’m prone to say it’s not going to affect you. Just whichever maths you started taking Freshman year and on will affect you. They would have to contact your middle school, which you don’t give that information (where you went) to them, so I don’t think they’re going to make the effort to find out your middle school math scores.</p>