Top Scholars Day at Honors College

<p>My son just received an invitation for Top Scholars Day at the Honors College. Is anyone familiar with this? It would require him to miss a day of school to attend. We are trying to limit his absences from school so he can exempt Senior final exams.</p>

<p>It sounds like the same thing we went to last year. It is beneficial to go if you didn’t go to Capstone Honors Day in January or if you are still undecided. If it is the same program we went to I don’t think it would be worth missing school for if you DID go to Capstone Honors Day or have decided for sure.</p>

<p>I can’t remember the name.</p>

<p>^It sounds like what my son and I attended last year for our first visit to UA. If it is the same thing, there was a morning session where Dean Sharpe and several students spoke about different aspects of UA and the Honors College, lunch at Lakeside Dining, and a walking tour of the campus and Ridgecrest South. We were also scheduled to speak with a professor in the Biology department (son is a bio major) and, while I thought it was going to be a group of us, it turned out to just be my son and I. I thought it was very worthwhile for a first visit.</p>

<p>Edit to add: Here is what I posted last year before the visit: When we reserved, we were told to expect a presentation from Dean Sharpe, a student panel, a mock Honors College Class for the incoming students, a Parents session with info on the program and scholarships, breakaway meetings with the college/department of interest to each incoming student, honors dorms tours, and a campus tour.</p>

<p>Anyone know who generally gets invited to this? Is it NMF’s? My son did not get any invitation…must be something more targeted than just honors college kids.</p>

<p>I had never even heard of this event until recently. It sounds like it’s a smaller invite list than Capstone Scholars Day. </p>

<p>Now even the invites to CSDay are odd. Last year, my nephew never got an invite to that, so I had to call and request one…and Bama happily sent one out. When I asked how invites were decided, I didn’t get a clear picture…something about geographic region…don’t know if they were keeping the invites geographically close or if they were targeting kids from states where they want more kids. They obviously don’t auto invite everyone who makes some threshold cut of ACT/SAT score.</p>

<p>I don’t think that they only invite NMFs to this newish event (sounds like its second year), but maybe so…Bama did increase its NMF number this last fall by over 50 kids …to 182 kids and in the previous year it had been around 125ish.</p>

<p>Did anyone get an invite last year or this year that wasn’t either a NMF or have very high scores (say ACT 34+ or SAT 2250+)? I’m wondering if those are the targeted students.</p>

<p>If you’ve been to CSDay or had a personalized honors tour and/or you know you’re going to Bama, I don’t see the big need to incur the expense of another trip…you still have Bama Bound and Move-in Trips coming up.</p>

<p>My D received hers on Friday. She is a NMF. We have a visit scheduled April 10th. We live too far for her to attend both days, so I’m hoping she’ll get the same information during our personal visit.</p>

<p>My daughter received her invite yesterday in the mail, and will attend as part of an extended visit. She is not a NMF. She is at the Presidential Scholar level, and from Houston, Texas.</p>

<p>I do know that the many lists are used to come up with the invite list. It would seem like the list for this would include people who hadn’t come to CSDay, but some who went to CSDay are also being invited. Odd.</p>

<p>My D has not received an invitation to Top Scholars Day. She’s not NMF and only has a 33 ACT, so not one of the stratospheric scores. Geographically we’re from Illinois, and she has not been to CS Day (her only visit was last January, as a junior). I’m not sure which of those factors kept her off the invite list.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what criteria is used for sending invitations. We attended both last year and had received a personalized tour. It was a much smaller group than Capstone Honors Day. Many of the parents and students we spoke with while we were there had not visited before. While we enjoyed both days, the personalized tour provides the same if not more information. There was a presentation by Dr. S and a presentation by a UFE student, a CBH student, and a little more about study abroad, but nothing new really.</p>

<p>Given that my daughter’s invite arrived in the mail yesterday (Houston,TX), I’m guessing that there probably some more floating around in the US postal system that will arrive in mailboxes next week.</p>

<p>I’ll bet you are correct.</p>

<p>Who is sponsoring this event? Is there a contact name? </p>

<p>While they may be targeting high stats kids who haven’t been to campus before, they use multiple lists so it’s possible that some that have been to campus/CSDay might get invited to this as well.</p>

<p>Anyone who wants to go, but didn’t get an invite should not hesitate to call and ask if you come…Bama still retains its Southern Hospitality charm and isn’t going to decline a request.</p>

<p>It is hosted by the Honors College. My son was invited and is NMF. He has visited campus but did not attend Capstone Honors Day. He had a prior.commitment and could not attend.</p>

<p>I was betting this was mostly for NMFs because I got an invite but my twin brother, who is a Presidential Scholar, did not. Of course, even though he’s Presidential, my test scores are higher, so it could still just be stats in general that are taken into account.</p>

<p>My D received an invitation to Top Scholars, but we were expecting it because her rejection email from UFE mentioned that an invitation would be coming in the mail and to watch for it. That email came the day before we left for CSD. Had we known about TSD, we probably would have opted to go to one of those instead of CSD. At any rate, we’ve decided to visit the campus again and will be there the Friday before the first TSD, but won’t be staying fot TSD. My D doesn’t want to miss her first softball game. However, D spoke with the Honors College office who assured her that she would be just fine with the personalized day on the Friday before ather than going to TSD.</p>

<p>D is not NMF but is a Presidential Scholar. She doesn’t have a 34 ACT unless you superscore, which I don’t think UA does. So she is on record with a 33.</p>