Torn between the UCs

I applied to all 9 UC schools. UCR/ UCM were pretty much safety schools. UCI/ UCSB/ UCSC are kind of mid-tier on my list, they seem okay but didn’t really ‘wow’ me.

But here’s where I’m stuck. I know Berkley is an amazing school, but the area isn’t exactly the safest, plus I’ve heard horror stories about really great students getting caught in the high-stress ultra-competitive environment and not doing so well. On the other hand, a degree from there would definitely open up doorways for a career and they have an AMAZING English program (my major).

UCLA is great too. They’re well ranked in academics and in my major/ campus life/ good area. It would be perfect. Except I live literally 10 minutes from campus have overbearing parents that would butt in all the time if I went there. As a transfer, I’ve been fantasizing for the past 2 years about getting a little independence.

I loved both UCSD and UCD when I toured them. I have a few friends that go to each and are very happy. La Jolla is beautiful and Davis had some amazing clubs/ student life. However… They aren’t as highly ranked in English and don’t quite have the reputation as the other two.

I wont know where I got in for a while, but my chances are good. I have a 3.95 GPA, was a student government senator, president of a club, and started/ ran the campus newspaper. I was in honors/ Transfer alliance meaning my school has an agreement with Irvine/ LA/ Santa Cruz/ and Riverside where I’ll get priority admission. All my english professors told me that my personal statements were good. With the exception of Berkley which will be harder, I pretty much have my choice. I’m just not sure where to go with.

I will be easier to decide once you have the results. Right now relax.
Don’t worry about the neighborhood safety. It’s safe when you graduate on time.

I think you should wait and see which UCs accept you and then go from there. Even with good stats many of them are not guaranteed.

I agree with @coolweather and wait until you get all your decisions before stressing out on which UC is the best. Have you visited all the campuses? If not, you might want to spend a day at UCB or any other potential top school and form your own opinion since your opinion is the only one that is going to matter. Put all the “horror” stories and other people’s opinion aside and start fresh with your own prospective. In the end, you will make the best decision for you.

I’m curious about the comment that Berkely “isn’t the safest” - compared to what? We live fairly close to Berkely. Our high school kids often hang out there, and we (parents) do too for everything from shopping to eating out - it overflows with great restaurants. Berkely doesn’t strike me as any more unsafe than any other urban area.
But anyway yes, get accepted then worry about choosing.

I wouldn’t count my chickens before they hatch if I were you. Your GPA is an average GPA for UCLA and UCB, and there will be thousands of applicants with perfect GPAs, and many will have equal or better extracurriculars than you.

Berkeley : )

Agree with the consensus above - no need to make that call until you see your results.

Good luck