<p>Got accepted to both, but now I can't decide!!!
(Both for Business major)</p>
<p>Comparing the school, academics, activities, facilities, faculty, and people (friendliness), which is the better???</p>
<p>I'm a bit leaning towards Wisconsin hugely because of Washington's infamous cloudy weather and better ranking of the Wisconsin School of Business over Foster BA.</p>
<p>Any advice???
I'm very foreign to both places so I need help! What are the good/bad things about the two schools?</p>
<p>I see that the Wisconsin's a bit known for partying(which I don't fancy too much), but how about Washington?</p>
<p>I'd appreciate ANY info! I'm lost!!!</p>
<p>Congratulations on the acceptances!</p>
<p>I’m not sure if I’ll be of much help, but hopefully I can offer some insight. I’ve lived in both regions where these schools are located. </p>
<p>Wisconsin is cold. VERY cold. You’ll need to get used to commuting with snow for about half of the year. However, Wisconsin has four seasons, so hopefully that isn’t too misleading ^. My emphasis here is just that there is a lot of snow and zero degree weather to keep in mind.</p>
<p>Western Washington (Seattle area) doesn’t have four distinct seasons like Wisconsin. In the winter, it’s about 30-40 degrees, and in the spring it’s about 50-60 degrees. It doesn’t snow a lot, and summers don’t get unbearably hot. The temperatures steadily stay between 30-80 degrees throughout the year. There also isn’t really any extreme weather to worry about (For the most part, that is. However, that’s not to say it never happens). </p>
<p>As for the schools in particular – I can’t really say much about University of Wisconsin @ Madison, because I’ve never visited, but University of Washington @ Seattle is a great school. It’s accommodating to such a wide variety of people, which I think is why it is appealing to so many. The campus itself is gorgeous, as well as the location it’s in. </p>
<p>As for the concern about partying, any school will have some partying to some degree. If you can, it may be best to try to reach out to others who’ve attended these schools and maybe post this concern in different forums. Best of luck, and I hope you get a much better and detailed response than mine! ha</p>
<p>I can offer some insight regarding party schools.
They are both big, so there are partying sects at both schools, but you’ll also find social people that don’t get drunk every Friday night. Overall, I would go with your gut feeling.
Which state are you in by the way? If it is in the Midwest, I would suggest Madison. If it is on the West Coast, I would suggest Udub, as it seems like neither of those schools is one you are 100% set on.</p>
<p>Hi there - I used to be pretty frequent on these boards until I graduated UW. I got bored and decided to take a look and found your post.</p>
<p>I lived in Seattle, WA and graduated with a Bachelors from the University of Washington (3.82 GPA, 3.87 departmental GPA). </p>
<p>Upon graduating I moved to Madison, WI. I might get my mba here, I might not. </p>
<p>Point is…I know what it’s like to live in both cities and have went to one school and have in depth knowledge of other.</p>
<p>They both are really good schools, no doubt. </p>
<p>So the answer lives in your personal preference. Although I was used to the dark gray skies of Seattle and constant drizzle, I didn’t love it. You know what I love? 4 seasons…snow or sun I like having real seasons.</p>
<p>The air is fresher in Madison (something I didn’t even realize until I moved). Because of this my asthma has gotten much better.</p>
<p>Madison is a very independent, liberal town, with a bunch of really highly educated people</p>
<p>Some people love living in a big city. If that’s you then you might love Seattle. Personally I love mid-sized cities and Madison fits the bill. Much safer, less crime, no traffic. I love it.</p>
<p>Madison has more of a college town feel and it does not snow 6 months of the year. Many Fall terms will have little if any. You are off much of Dec/Jan for break and after that Feb and march will have some snow but it does not always stick around and they do a good job of getting it off roads and walkways. Nearly all students live within a couple miles of campus giving the area a very dense student vibe. Udub has more commuters and students live all over the area. Not an intense campus feel on weekends where frats rule social life. I live in Seattle and went to Madison.</p>
<p>^ All much better answers than mine, ha. If money isn’t a deal breaker to decide between the schools, then it is smart to put an emphasis on exploring the environment & atmosphere of the school, which it seems like you’re doing. </p>
<p>Is there a chance you could visit one of the schools, or both, before deciding?</p>
<p>@CollegeDreams22 no no, you’ve been real helpful so thank you! but no, i’m actually an international student so i don’t get to visit
<p>@UDUBHUSKIES thanks! but like i said, i’m an international so both schools are very far either way which makes it all harder to choose.</p>
<p>@travelgirl thanks so much for your insight! being a total foreigner, i’m lovin the sound of “safe” and “less crime”. AND the fresher air :)</p>
<p>@barrons thanks! sounds like madison is gonna be a better fit for me after all
i was kinda looking forward to fun weekends on campus.</p>
<p>speaking of which, does anybody know what the housing(+atmosphere) is like at UWisconsin or UWashington? Because these are both public schools i was worried that the facilities might not be so great.</p>
<p>I went to UW-Seattle for undergrad and have visited UW-Madison multiple times for conferences. I loved going to UW-S, the weather was perfect for me (it’s basically 50-60 all year long), I strongly prefer the laid back, live and let live attitude of the west coast, and I like having a big city so I can go out to great plays, symphonies, ballets and operas at a huge discount. I also never once felt like UW-S was a party school - I had tons of fun, but never went to a frat house or felt any pressure whatsoever to do so. That’s not my scene at all, and there were a huge number of like-minded people at UW-S who I could have geeky fun with. I definitely get the feeling that social partying is more engrained and pressured at UW-M. However, as they’re both big schools with tons of people, I’m positive that either school will allow you to find the right social circle for you.</p>
<p>I also really really really prefer having nature in my life. Seattle is surrounded by two mountain ranges (real mountains, none of that silly midwest/east coast stuff), Puget sound and is near skiing, hiking and the Hoh rainforest. That really increased my quality of life and made me feel like that area is my true home, not just a place I went to school.</p>
<p>Both schools are perfectly comparable in basically all undergrad academic qualities, similar size, rankings, research profiles, opportunities, etc. </p>
<p>What are the things you find important in life and being happy? All academic stuff is roughly the same, so think about other things. Do you need to be outdoors most of the year? That’s harder in Madison’s winter. Do you abhor the rain? Even though it’s very light rain in Seattle (downpours are rare), then Madison’s probably your place. Do you want to regularly go out to see shows? Seattle. Do you want a smaller, more university-oriented town? Madison. etc.</p>
<p>At Wisconsin there is a state of the art performing arts center just off campus within easy walking distance on State Street. Going to most shows in Seattle from Udub means either driving or taking the bus. There are more than enough shows, concerts, ballet etc in Madison to keep most students happy and prices are student friendly.</p>
<p>[Seating</a> Charts | Ticket Information | Overture Center for the Arts | Madison, Wisconsin](<a href=“http://overturecenter.com/tickets/seating-charts]Seating”>http://overturecenter.com/tickets/seating-charts)</p>
<p>Snow is also good for epic snowball fights on campus.</p>
<p>[madison</a> snowball fights - Google Search](<a href=“http://www.google.com/search?q=madison+snowball+fights&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS400US400&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=omZcUb2KE4GGyAHF54HoCQ&ved=0CDMQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=797]madison”>http://www.google.com/search?q=madison+snowball+fights&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS400US400&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=omZcUb2KE4GGyAHF54HoCQ&ved=0CDMQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=797)</p>