Touring Bama Thursday, 8/23

<p>DD and I will be visiting the campus on Thursday, 8/23. We have already contacted the Honors College and they are scheduling the day for us. We will be arriving Wednesday afternoon and have time to check out things that aren’t a part of our official visit. Any recommendations? Particularly for dinner!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Hope your visit goes well. </p>

<p>Just a heads up, you will be getting there on the first day of fall classes. If you see folks walking around in a daze looking confused you can figure they are freshmen trying to find their classes. Good possibility that one of them will be my son !! :-)</p>

<p>As far as food it basically depends on what you like, you will get plenty of input but the places we have liked the most are Dreamland BBQ and Nick in the Sticks. Of course since my son is a frosh I haven’t had many chances to try spots.</p>

<p>Have a great tour and Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>We have a thread about where to eat and what to see…</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>and where to stay
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you both!!</p>

<p>And, thankfully, a new Full Moon has been built…to replace the one destroyed in the tornado. It’s bigger and better than the other one. We’ve eaten there twice now. </p>

<p>BTW…it has a Drive thru and it’s pretty fast, even for good-sized orders. So, if you want your order “to go”, use the drive thru.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Great information! Thanks all! We are really looking forward to our visit!</p>

<p>I don’t know if you are from Alabama or not, but the Bryant Museum is a wonderful way to get a dose of UA history. It is right on campus and well worth the time.</p>

<p>For good Southern food outside of BBQ try Cypress Inn. It was the first place that we ate in town and my girls loved fried green tomato’s and fried pickles. Great fish and steaks. We experienced great Southern hospitality here too. I highly recommend.</p>

<p>One year ago we were where you are and now my D is on campus and waiting for classes to start! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks buzymom3! I think we will try Cypress Inn. We are from NC and BBQ is a staple but it is the vinegar based NC BBQ. This is our first college trip and I want it to be special. Based on this forum, my vote is definitely for Bama! Just keeping my fingers crossed that DD loves it! She has already developed an attitude towards that “other school” in Alabama so I think we are in good shape! And it doesn’t hurt that Bama’s football team is ranked just above DS’s team, USC!!!</p>

<p>NC Mom,
My daughter and I are getting ready to drive down from Raleigh. We are both so excited! </p>

<p>If you and your daughter are on the 10:00 tour on Thursday we will hope to meet you. If you want to say hello, I’ll either be carrying a red leather bag or if I feel like going lighter I may opt to wear a small black leather cross-body bag.</p>

<p>Would love to hear about your visit!</p>

<p>We had a good experience at both Dreamland (BBQ) in Northport and DePalma’s (Italian) in downtown Tuscaloosa. I wish you the very best on your trip and have safe travel back home. My son is a Freshman this fall and I absolutely KNOW we made the best choice we could.</p>

<p>2CarolinaGirls, I JUST saw your message! I am so sorry we missed connecting! We were on that tour. I hope OU enjoyed your visit as much as we did. DD is only a junior, but we are both completely sold on Bama! There wasn’t anything we didn’t like! Thanks to mom2collegekids, we had the day all planned out or us by a young woman at the Honors College. We were able to your the dorms and have lunch with an honors student who was an amazing young man. We also met with a student at Tri Delt. She gave us a tour f her house and talked to us about rush. Susan at the Honors College alked us through the Honors program, and a counselor at the College of A nd S talked about majors, double majoring an study abroad. We even had dinner at the Cypress Inn. I think my DD has found her school! Thnks to all of you, but especially mom2collegekids, for introducing us to the wonderful opportunities at Bama! DD will take the ACT in two weeks! She is completely motivated to do well! We want to see that 32!</p>

<p>^Oh boy! Sorry for all the typos! We have been on the road all week and I was too tired to proof-read. Love my iPad but I do wish it cleaned up my mistakes better!</p>

<p>So glad to hear that your visit went well.</p>

<p>Also sign your D up for the SAT…sometimes it’s easier to get the 1400 on the M+CR since that’s just two sections to study for. </p>

<p>If your D’s ACT composite is brought down by the Science Reasoning, then take the SAT, it has no SR… :)</p>



<p>Wonderful news. And yes, the Mother Ship is wondrous indeed. If she was on commission, she’d be a Fortune 500 company by now.</p>

<p>Roll Tide and bless you, m2ck, for your tireless efforts.</p>

<p>Thanks m2ck! She has already taken the SAT. Her score is 1300 M +CR. We are confident she will qualify for the 2/3 tuition and that is good enough for us, but the full tuition would be wonderful! This will be her first ACT but the Plan put her score in the range for both scholarships. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Good morning! Now that I am home and well rested after 14 hours on the road yesterday I can string two thoughts together again and give a report of our visit to Bama!</p>

<p>We arrived Wednesday earlier than expected and checked into the Wingate which I had “won” on Priceline at $62 a night, a slightly better rate than I had originally booked at the Microtel at $71. It was a nice hotel but breakfast was only adequate, the front desk was not the nicest, and it was a little further from campus than I would have liked, but it was just fine and we were very comfortable with the room. We then went directly to campus, rode around for awhile in the car and tried to get the lay of the land. We then parked in the garage across from Student Services and walked and walked. We were in love with the campus right from the start. It is amazing in its layout, impressive buildings, friendly people, immaculate landscaping and an inviting, welcoming atmosphere. We went to the SupeStore to look around but the lines were SO long with it being the first day of classes so we elected not to buy anything that day and instead went across the plaza to Undergrad Admissions to check on daughter’s application status. The lady at reception looked it up and said they had just reviewed her application that morning and she was accepted! My daughter was so excited she actually jumped up and down right there in the lobby. She said it completely set the tone for the rest of our visit and made her so much less nervous for our full day’s itinerary for the next day. We had dinner that night at the Cypress Inn at a table overlooking the river and it was very nice.</p>

<p>Thursday was an amazing day! We met with Susan in the Honors College very early, and she gave us our itinerary for the day which she was so kind to put together for us. We appreciate how hard she worked to put it all together for us. She then took us to Dean Sharpe’s office and he met with us for about an hour. He had so many wonderful things to say about the opportunities the Honors College can offer and my daughter was so impressed and happy after meeting with him (as was I). We then walked to the stadium to begin the bus and walking tour. NC Mom, it occurred to me later that afternoon that the lady with blond daughter who we exchanged pleasantries with was you! Since you were with another mom and daughter it didn’t occur to me that you were NC Mom! I am so happy that you and your amazing daughter were as impressed and sold on UA as we are. I wish her all the best with her testing and junior year!</p>

<p>The bus tour was a great way to cover a lot of ground and the young woman who was our guide was engaging and a great representative of the university. We were happy to stop and get off for a tour of the recreation building as my daughter regularly utilizes the gym and is athletic and that part of a campus is important to her. The last part of the tour was walking through the quad and learning about some of the history of the buildings surrounding it. GREAT tour (as opposed to the one we experienced at another state university on the way home yesterday)!</p>

<p>We then did the Admissions presentation and then we were about 15 minutes late to meet with an Honors student ambassador for lunch at Lakeside Dining who is a ChemE major like my daughter will be and he was wonderful. A very fine young man who is another fantastic student spokesman for Honors and UA. He then gave us the tour of Ridgecrest South and I think that really sealed the deal for my daughter.</p>

<p>We then had about an hour to kill before meeting with a ChemE prof so we had some Starbucks at the Ferg and then headed over to marvel at the rotunda inside Shelby Hall and then found our way to the prof’s office. He spoke to us about the ChemE curriculum and had some great insights to offer. My daughter was concerned after leaving about the mandatory summer lab that was a part of the written curriculum he gave her that is NOT on the website’s curriculum and that will be pricey as an OOS student since we wouldn’t want to use a semester’s scholarship to cover it. I’m sure we will get it worked out when the time comes though. We finished the day with the BEST burgers at Mugshots!</p>

<p>Thanks to the regular posters on CC who helped steer us to the great opportunity that is UA and gave great guidance on how best to maximize our time on campus! </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Wow, all these fellow Carolinians considering Bama. ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>Lady Dianeski, just north of Winston-Salem, with sophomore son at Bama</p>

<p>Glad to hear some more details about your visit.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The ChemE flowchart does show the summer req’t, so does the Undergrad Catalog.</p>

<p>Some OOS students opt to do their summer class in Europe so that the cost is softened by the int’l experience.</p>

<p>As always, it’s so nice to read about the continued success of these campus visits and UA’s and the Honors College’s continued excellent record of presenting the school so favorably and giving prospective families that special personal touch. Now that my D is an HC Ambassador, she gets to carry on that proud tradition. We’re so proud that she wants to give back that same level of welcoming that we received! Best of luck to all of you that are considering UA, you will not be disappointed! Now, if we can only get our HS Jr. S to change his mind about UA! He has announced that he “hates” the SEC, and wants to go to an ACC school! Boooo! Roll Tide!!!</p>