<p>At my school, you can order either official transcripts online for 10 bucks each or you can have you counselor send out secondary school reports for $2. Do common app schools just need a secondary school report? I know USC requires official transcripts, does Georgetown?</p>
<p>Btw… what is the difference between the two anyways?</p>
<p>The official transcript has all your grades on it; sometimes schools will toss in things like GPA, class rank, etc. The secondary school report is written/filled out by your counselor and is basically their assessment of you.</p>
<p>I don’t know of a single school that doesn’t require an official transcript. Here’s Georgetown’s application checklist: [Georgetown</a> University- Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/applying_firstyear_appchecklist.cfm]Georgetown”>http://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/applying_firstyear_appchecklist.cfm)</p>
<p>well at my school, students need to request transcripts to be sent to colleges. I believe those “transcripts” are grades and everything for high school up to now.
Besides, my counselor asks me to print out the Common App Supplement called “Secondary School Report”. It’s just a list of the courses in senior year and evaluation of counselor :D</p>
<p>Must be secondary school report filled by counselor? What will he write on it any way?</p>