transfer 2010

<p>Um i want to apply to the penn state as a transfer student in the fall of 2010. I am currently going to attend Bryant University to study business law Major in accounting minor in legal stuides. First semester of freshman year i am taking mathematics of finance, introduction to business, Intro to liberal arts, introduction to global politics, introductiont to college ( easy class) and micro economics this totals out to 16 credits. I plan on dropping intro to global politics so that i can have 5 classes and study for 4. I'll be under the requirement for Bryant but im more worried about getting good grades. In high school i didn't get good results till senior year because i finally was able to figure out what worked for me and what didn't. Fresh-sophmore year i got overall averages ranged from 85-89 but senior year my averages is 89-95. No one told me what to do since i never had someone to ask. But now i know what works for me. I didn't get good sats either so that might hurt my chances. If i get above a 3.5 gpa in college would university of delaware be a good choice and if so would dropping introduction to global politcs be better for me or worse.</p>

<p>can someone help me</p>

<p>First, what is your major now? (You mention business law, accounting and legal studies, so I wasn’t sure which it was.) What would you plan as your major at Penn State? Each College (meaning, each College within the Penn State system) has its own individual transfer requirements, so you’d need to know your intended major first.</p>

<p>You might find this page helpful:</p>

<p>[Transfer</a> Requirements - Penn State Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Transfer”></p>

<p>I don’t believe they look at SAT scores for transfer students, but I’m not positive. </p>

<p>Can’t answer your question about Univ. of Delaware as I have no experience with that school.</p>

<p>Actually I’m not sure which 1i want to do I was considering either accountin or law.I was considering to either double major or minor In 1 major in another can u tell me for both schools</p>

<p>It says that I can transfer after 2 years I want to transfer after my freshman year at Bryant is that possible</p>

<p>I transfered to Penn State after my first semester in college. I’m also an accounting student. First, Penn State does not have a law major, however you can minor in business law if you would like. Second, they do have an accounting major available if you get accepted into the College of Business. I’m not sure if those classes will transfer. I know microeconomcis will transfer for 3 credits. I’d also recommend a business calc course. </p>

<p>If you have under 18 credits, if I remember correctly, you will not be considered a transfer student and will classified as an incoming freshman.</p>

<p>What are your SAT scores? Did you take any AP classes in High School? Your GPA isn’t really too bad, but the more information you give the more I can help.</p>

<p>Well I had horrendous says because I had a medical problem during my junior and senior year.I am going to be taking 13 credits in the fall then 15 in the spring andim prob going to take 1 class in the summer to make up the 13 credits</p>

<p>With that current schedule, you’ll have to wait atleast two years to transfer. You either have to come with under 18 credits and be considered a freshman, or wait 2 years until you have around 50 credits and be considered a transfer student. I don’t want to give you any false information, so I’d highly advise you confirm this with the Penn State website at [Welcome</a> to Penn State’s Home on the Web](<a href=“”></p>

<p>ya i checked you were right if i want to go to penn state i would have to transfer after 2 years</p>

<p>Hello NittanyLion, </p>

<p>I’ve been accepted to UConn and will be attending their business school this fall. Is there any way I could transfer to PSU for the Spring 2010 semester? And if not, when would be the soonest I could transfer? . I only have 3 college credits coming from AP Stat. Any information would be greatly appreciated.</p>