Transfer credit question

<p>My S is taking classes at his HS through a local university. I was surprised to learn that UA transfers the credits and the grade. At my daughter’s college and my college (back in the day), only the credits transferred.</p>

<p>My S got a 99 in a course. At UA, I presume that would be an A+ or a 4.3. The grading system at the university he is taking the course through has A as their highest grade, so an A appears on his transcript.</p>

<p>Is there any way we can argue that the grade should transfer to UA as an A+? it would be nice to get the 0.3 bump.</p>

<p>No, I don’t think there’s anything you can do - the A will come in as an A. My D had the same thing - she took a few CC courses where in a +/- system she would have had an A+, but because our CC doesn’t have a +/- system, she got an A, and it transferred in as an A. Frankly, she was happy to start with a 4.0!</p>

<p>^Beth’s mom is right. It will transfer as an A.</p>

<p>Although UA is on a +/- system each professor sets their own grading scale.
My S has had two professors where A is the highest grade, not an A+.</p>

<p>One class was a MUA class and the other a UA class. Those are the only A’s on his transcript so it’s a little disappointing that they lowered his GPA overall.</p>

<p>Although you accumulate that 4.330 on DegreeWorks it never shows on a transcript.
The highest grade on the transcript is a 4.0.</p>

<p>It will transfer as the grade that appears on the college’s transcript where the course was taken. No college is going to change another college’s grade for a student. </p>

<p>The UA transcript will never show higher than a 4.0 cumulative GPA. As a note it will not show if you have been on the President’s List either, it will only list the student as being on the Dean’s List.</p>

<p>Still surprised that the grade transfers and counts towards the GPA. Is this unique to UA?</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-R760 using CC</p>

<p>It is not unique to UA but not all colleges take transfer grades.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s strange for actual grades to transfer as it discourages students from taking difficult courses elsewhere as the grade would count the same*. I got somewhat burned by this rule as state law prohibited grades higher than an A in some of my transferred courses. One community college gave grades on a 4.0 scale rounded to the nearest tenth, but provided a letter grade conversion table that UA used when transferring the courses. </p>

<p>*Graduation honors are based only on courses taken at UA.</p>

<p>Note that graduate courses transfer as P/F. I’m in a unique situation where I’m using a transferred graduate course to count for both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree, but nobody knows if the actual grade will be used to calculate my undergraduate GPA.</p>