Transfer Fall 2014 Chance

<p>Hello! I need some reassurance about my chances to getting into A&M this fall. I'll be applying for all my stuff tomorrow.
-College: I'm currently an undecided freshman at UH and I took 13 hours of classes the past fall and I took a winter class. So I currently have
16 hrs and I'll be taking 14 hrs this spring semester.
-GPA: 4.0
-I'll be applying to petroleum engineering as my first major and geosciences for the second.
High School-
Ace Mentor (2012 - 2013) : Intern
Mu Alpha Theta
American Red Cross
Youth Expanding Services Club
School Robotics Team (2009 - 2011)
Community service: 243 total hours in ONLY high school. </p>

Geology Club
Math Club
Science Club
Ace Mentor Program(Intern)
Volunteer hrs- 50 hours only in college.
-I don't have any rec letters. I don't know a lot of professors well enough to ask them for a rec letter. I don't know if it will benefit me a lot. </p>

<p>I posted a shorter version of my resume above. Hope it's not too messy. Hope this is good enough for a&m engineering. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>as a transfer student EC’s and HS are not important… its just your GPA and prerequisites. What classes have you taken so far, and which ones are you taking this Spring? Also, Petroleum Engineering is the hardest and least accepted Engineering program. You may also want to talk to a Geosciences adviser and make sure they accept “second choice majors”.</p>

<p>Thanks for the quick reply cole! They are for UT transfer, so I assumed it was the same for A&M as well. Anyways, SO far I’ve taken, Calc I, English composition 1, History 1, and pols (govt) 1. Which is 13 hours. I just took english composition 2 in the winter. Which will be 16hours. This spring I’ll be taking an intro to visual arts class (fulfills the visual art credit), calc 2, pols 2 (govt 2), and Geology (Which is one of the classes for petroleum engineering. Spring hours sums up to 14 hours. So the total amount of hours I’ll be having is 30. Are those classes good enough for petroleum engr? And I’ll call and check A&M about my second choice geosciences major.</p>

<p>You don’t have the prerequisites/cbk’s for any engineering. In addition to cal 1 & 2, You have to have chem and physics for sure. Most want to see cal 1 and cal 2, chem, physics 1 and 2 completed. The more you have completed for petr, the better. I’m pretty sure geo cbks are the same; however, I believe you will be considered for geosciences if you have cal 1, chem, phy 1, and geology. You really need to check with the advisors in both departments. Good luck and don’t give up.</p>

<p>Wait…so in order to get into engineering one HAS to have calc 1,2; Physics 1,2; & Chem?! I’m not able to understand the fact that A&M wants us to do ALL of those classes JUST to be accepted to engineering?! Cause for example: UT just needs Calc 1 and 2 for engineering and that’s IT. A&M on the other hand is asking for much more than just 2 classes. So if someone can please let me know whether A&M needs all the classes I mentioned above in order to be considered for an engineering major?</p>

<p>here’s a link [Transfer</a> Students | Apply Now! | College of Engineering](<a href=“]Transfer”> You have chosen to apply to the most popular major within engineering(at least based on rolling admissions fill date). I have no first hand knowledge of the strictness of the requested courses, so I’ll leave that question to someone else- but at least you can make your own judgment on the written text. Good luck.</p>

<p>You don’t have to have all cbk courses completed. I know friends that went to UT with gpa of 3.8 and they were taking phys 1 while applying and cal 2. You do not have to have them all completed, but the more cbk courses you complete, the better you look.</p>

<p>Some guy got in with 3.7 gpa 7 courses, 1-2 b’s and like calc 1,2 and phys 1. this was for computer science or computer engineering.</p>

<p>Edit: Hold on a second, I am talking about UT. It seems that A&M can have a lower gpa but all courses completed. Computer science seems okay to transfer to.</p>

<p>Man if I knew this earlier I would have chosen computer science as my major so that I can transfer over… </p>

<p>I guess I have to apply to UT. UT doesn’t care about all cbk courses being completed, just like calc 1 and 2 , some science and 3.8 gpa.</p>

<p>I have only technical writing, chem 2, phys 2, and the eng electives to complete for my major as mechanical engineering. I don’t have those completed, but my GPA is 3.75 and I hope this can be substituted for that in some way. It seemed 3.33-3.5 is the competitive gpa for mechanical engineering, in which the link said 3.33 for minimum gpa and a lady I called at A&M said 3.5 is good. My school doesn’t even offer engr 111 and 112…</p>

<p>I am very frustrated because there is a lot of confusion here. I spoke to advisors who send engineering students to A&M and they did not tell me about any computer science course needing to be completed. BCIS 1405 or any computer science type classes is substituted for elective engr 112, since engr 112 is not offered in colleges. No one I know has said anything about completing this course…</p>

<p>Also, I don’t understand why that link says complete ALL essays. 1 Essay was for post-bach. students and non-degree seekers OR if you had academic suspension and want to explain it.</p>

<p>Okay I have some good news to bring.</p>

<p>I e-mailed a department chair in my major mechanical engineering. That link said to have all courses completed. I e-mailed him and told him I am in progress of a few of those classes, phys 208, chem 112, and engl 210. I also asked if it is fine to get engr 111 and 112 done in the summer and he said it is fine.</p>

<p>I suggest to contact the department chair in your major to make sure about the courses to take. There is different information going around and the only correct information is the one from the department chair.</p>

<p>At least for mechanical engineering I do know that you don’t have to have all courses completed, but I am in progress of completing the critical courses, so I don’t know if you can apply without not even being in progress of a certain course. Just e-mail the department.</p>

<p>Seems like you’re frustrated, EngineeringMajor. Yeah, that’s why I was astonished to know that one has to have ALL cbk’s in order to transfer in to an engineering major. That is just ridiculous. I’ve tried calling the petroleum engineering dept of transfer and NOBODY ever picks up! I’ve been calling for days. Probably 3-4 days now. I haven’t left a message yet. But i’ve literally tried calling them early in the morning when the office opens, noon, afternoon, before their closing time which is at 5. Nobody answers. SO I don’t know what’s wrong. I’ll leave a message and see what happens to that. Thanks for the info, EngineeringMajor</p>


<p>Are you eligible for transfer? The reason I ask is because of the amount of hours you have completed. [Office</a> of Admissions | Texas A&M University - Transfer | How to Apply](<a href=“]Office”> under admissions criteria you need at least 24 hours transferable hours by the admissions deadline which is March 1st.</p>

<p>@CollegeDazed33: I know A&M needs 24 hours. BUT those 24 hours don’t have to be completed. I have 16 hours done, and I’m currently taking 14 hours. When I turn in my transcript, A&M will see that I have a few more hours in PROGRESS. Because those classes are in progress, they will look at the classes I’ve already completed and wait for the rest of the classes to be completed which are in progress. Once I complete the spring classes and send them my spring transcript (for gpa), then they will take a decision for my major.</p>

<p>^The departments will initially deny you admission if the courses they are looking for are not completed. What you say is correct… They will suggest that if you submit your spring transcript before a certain date, you will be reevaluated for admission with your spring grades considered. However, if you still do not have a physics & chem class completed, your file will never make it through admissions to the Petr dept. It sounds like you’ve finally spoken to someone in Petr department. Hopefully you are taking chem and physics this semester which will give you a more competitive application.</p>


<p>They won’t deny me when I submit my application. They will look at what I have so far and look at what I will be getting done after the spring semester. And no, I still haven’t taken ANY physics and chem courses. I did say it in one of the previous posts above that the only science I’ll be done with is Geology which is the exact one I need for pet engr. AND I don’t know what’s wrong with the petroleum engineering dept, but they are NOT ANSWERING OR RETURNING my calls! None at all! I’ve been calling them for the past week everyday. Still playing the waiting game. I don’t what they are doing. It’s just pointless trying to call them anymore cause nobody ever answers the dept. So, I don’t really know what my chances are of getting in for my major until someone in the dept answers my questions.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, without all your Physics and Chem classes completed, I agree with alexdi. The Physics and Chem and Math courses (CBK classes) are what the department is going to look for, at least, in Engineering. It’s not just your overall GPA (with the PoliScis and Visual arts credits) but your CBK GPA they want to see. I would email the department because I always had better luck with that, especially when so many applicants are waiting to hear back. Good luck</p>

<p>Alright, thanks</p>