Transfer Fall 2014 students

<p>I am a freshman biology major that applied to A&M in January with 12 hours completed and currently taking 15 this spring. I applied to the college of Biology with a 3.7 GPA. Does anyone know my chances of getting accepted? Does anyone know around when we're expecting to here an answer back? I'm still on step 3. And has anyone heard anything back yet? </p>

<p>Keep those grades up and you will forsure get in… as long as you have your PRE REQS done. Do you?</p>

<p>Yes! I took Biology 1 and Chem 1 last semester. This semester I am taking Bio 2 and Chem 2. </p>


<p>@scrosby10 What may happen is you will initially be denied (if you need bio 2 and chem 2 to be accepted) then you send in your spring transcript to A&M once final grades are posted for the spring and they will evaluate you off that. Now, keep the grades and you should be fine ( you are over qualified with that GPA). Also, College of Sciences doesn’t get filled up… so nothing to worry about with spots. Good luck!</p>

<p>how about the engineering department? Does that get filled up the first, and am I at any disadvantage as a transfer student if I submitted everything Feb. 10th? </p>

<p>@RedEyeJedi I would say you’re at an advantage if you applied early. The engineering department is difficult to get into, but I have plenty of friends in it if you would like to be put in contact with some of them!</p>