Transfer for Fall 2010

<p>I am currently a sophomore at Virginia Tech and I will have completed more than 60 credits before I transfer to UVA. I plan on transferring because I am double majoring in Economics and Statistics and I need to be a little closer to home for some family reasons and I want to go to a school that is not as math and science oriented. I have a 3.1 right now but that is after taking Diff Eq, B, Multi variable calc, B, Stat 3006, B, and four other math classes and 3 other economic classes. I was wondering what my chances would be to get into the college of arts and sciences? Since I will have statistics as my main major. Also will I be able to choose which credits can transfer after I reach the 60 credit mark?</p>

<p>My bad I will be transferring for fall 2009</p>

<p>Are you a rising sophomore or rising junior?</p>

<p>I will be a sophomore for fall semester, but a junior by spring semester. I also want to know what my chances would be. I will also have more than 60 credits at the end of this upcoming school year.</p>

<p>I have spent two years at virginia tech already and this year will be my third.</p>

<p>Gotcha. Well, UVA doesn't often admit rising fourth years because you have to complete at least 60 hours at UVA towards a degree. I suggest that you apply for Spring 2009, then you'll enter as a third year.<br>
If you end up do getting in with over 60 credits, they first recalculate your AP grades so you might lose credits there, then they only take 60 after that if you're still over. I'm not sure how they pick and choose what stays and what goes.</p>