Transfer from UCF to FSU?

<p>Im currently a freshman at UCF studying biology but I’m considering changing my major, to what?, im not exactly sure yet. Anyways, in highschool I was in the IB program and had relatively high grades except for one D in chemistry in my sophomore year. I applied to FSU and UCF and was rejected from FSU so attended UCF in the fall and I really want to transfer to FSU because I’m just more attracted to the campus and the opportunities available there. I’m unsure of my current GPA at UCF but I know I have 2 A’s and 2 B’s. I did receive my IB diploma with tremendous volunteer work and club involvement and received a 1720 on the SAT and a 27 on the ACT when I took them 2 years ago. Does anyone know the chances of me being accepted as a transfer student for my sophomore year in FSU? Thanks!</p>

<p>Probably not very good, sorry to say. Transfers coming in with less than 60 credits have to meet freshman admission criteria, which I’m assuming you did not since your original application was denied. You could wait until junior year and you would have a much better chance since your application would only reference your college history. FSU, however, like all Florida public schools, gives priority to transfers coming from a community college with an A.A. Degree.</p>

<p>If you have less than 30 hours completed you could transfer to Tallahassee Community College and enter their TCC2FSU Golden Guarantee program in which you would be guaranteed entry to FSU provided you fulfill some requirements (like GPA). The schools are about a mile or two apart and TCC students are allowed access to a lot of FSU facilities (libraries, the Res, etc). You would be able to participate in a lot of the FSU social life while you’re completing your AA.</p>

<p>Anyone know why this post was moved to the California forum from the Transfer Forum, especially since it’s asking for info on transferring between Florida schools?</p>