Transfer from UIUC ECE to Michigan/Northwestern EECS?

<p>I suppose what I'm about to write is the equivalent of Michael Bloomberg's 'exploration' of a presidential campaign...</p>

<p>I'm currently a sophomore in ECE at UIUC. It is a fantastic program--the faculty and resources at the College of Engineering here are truly top-notch. I am also doing fairly well here with a 3.8 GPA. </p>

<p>As a New Jersey native, however, the most frustrating aspect of my experience here has been the (relatively) limited networking opportunities compared to schools with higher out-of-state students and recognition such as Michigan, Northwestern, etc. It seems that most of the companies that recruit here are looking for positions in the Midwest. Of course, it is a matter of initiative to find positions outside the Midwest--but it seems like I am at a disadvantage when I search for positions outside the Midwest. </p>

<p>As I mentioned, within engineering circles, Illinois is well-known and respected. ECE here has consistently ranked high in the USNWR rankings for electrical engineering, but I think it is hard to imagine tangible differences between the UIUC, Michigan, and Northwestern programs (at least on the undergraduate level). Thus, it just seems that transferring to schools such as Northwestern and Michigan that have greater recognition (and more attractive surrounding towns) wouldn't be something unrealistic to consider. </p>

<p>My goals are to obtain an MSEE and eventually an MBA. Thus I was wondering if transferring from Illinois to schools such as Northwestern and Michigan would be wise move for me to make. I'd greatly appreciate and value any feedback on this topic.</p>

<p>Thank you for reading.</p>

<p>i would say so, though i wouldnt transfer solely b/c you cant find a job on the east coast. all three are great schools, so just take into consideration the campus life, etc. but with your amazing GPA i wouldnt think that you would have trouble finding a variety of national employers.</p>

<p>thanks westsidewolf, </p>

<p>I should mention that when i meant 'networking' i was referring to the large concentration of Illinois students (about 90%). I wouldn't say that the atmosphere here is unfriendly towards non-IL residents--I just would like a location that is more 'global' with less of a state-school feel. I have visited Evanston and Ann Arbor on different occasions and just found the campus-life at those locations to be more appealing for the reasons above. My main concern is from a career-standpoint and whether, say, someone at EECS admissions in Stanford will make any distinctions between the three schools on the basis of factors other than USNWR rankings (which are trivial).</p>

<p>Actually, engineering's out-of-state population is much higher than other colleges at Illinois. I also remember CC poster Im_Blue stating that many of the incoming students at Stanford grad school was from Illinois (by the way, he got his BS from Illinois also). Lastly, I don't think Michigan or Northwestern will provide better job opportunities than Illinois (MS for example, hires more from Illinois than any other university in the world).</p>

<p>Engineering firms usually like hiring locally. You will see the same thing in Michigan and Northwestern. They are not going to fly you out to interview for an entry level position when they can interview engineering grads locally. Engineering isn't IB; the local grads are good enough to satisfy most of the firms.</p>

<p>Unless you plan on your first job out of school to be non-engineering, I wouldn't worry about it.</p>

<p>I've always found UIUC grads to be excellent. If you're doing well I wouldn't transfer because of job prospects.</p>

<p>I'm an EE from Boston and I personally went out to recruit at UIUC Engineering Career fair last year. It was mobbed and there were plenty of east coast firms. I will probably go back next year.</p>

<p>If you're unhappy, that's another story. Michigan and Northwestern are both good.</p>

<p>I think there are plenty of non-midwest companies recruiting at Illinois. My daughter did an internship last summer with a well-known global corporation in Pennsylvania--and some of her classmates, who are graduating this summer, have job offers from companies ranging from Texas to California to all kinds of east coast locations.</p>

<p>As I was coming out of UIUC with my masters (I'm a Texas native and was eager to get someplace where it didn't snow), the general reaction when I contacted companies that didn't actively recruit at U of I was, "Oh! Well, yeah! We could <em>definitely</em> use an Illinois grad...!" They were typically surprised that I was seeking them out, but they were usually really glad to hear from me. At my current company in Houston, I almost occasionally get the vibe that I've "brought back" a prestigious Illinois degree to my homeland, as though I were a Pokemon or something. (On tours of the office with clients, the principals often casually point out my Illinois pennant hanging on my wall...) Perception of prestige does goofy things to people.</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry about job prospects, particularly if you're planning on doing anything related to engineering with your MBA. An Illinois degree will profess that you really know what's going on with engineering and even on the business side of things, it'll be the tip-off that you're <em>really</em> an engineer (as opposed to just a guy with an engineering degree) to the engineers you interface with.</p>

<p>You might have to contact them first, because they might not travel to C-U to track <em>you</em> down, but the ones worth working for will be really glad to have you.</p>

<p>Stick with UIUC. I had such a hard time choosing between UIUC and NU and WashU. (Check out my other posts) I choice UIUC because its such a solid program. Plus personally I think UIUC is way more fun than NU. Cant say much about Mich, except that UIUC engineering is better.</p>

<p>Michigan is a lot of fun! I can attest to that.</p>

<p>I would just like to ask the OP why does he believe that companies that come to U of I recruit for the MidWest. Everytime I attend the engineering expo one of the first questions most companies ask is “are you willing to relocate because we are located xyz?”</p>

<p>“Cant say much about Mich, except that UIUC engineering is better.”</p>

<p>That’s fine. Michigan and NU are better overall universities. If you don’t like UIUC transfer to where you’ll be happier.</p>