For all students not accepted to the College of Engineering...

<p>There's still hope if you were accepted to VT! I just got an email today:</p>

<p>Dear Emily,</p>

<p>Congratulations! </p>

<p>I am pleased to inform you that you are one of a select few students who
have been chosen to be moved from University Studies to General Engineering
as you initially requested. A new offer letter will be mailed to you this
week for keepsake purposes as you do not need to respond. </p>

<p>***PLEASE NOTE: To ensure that you attend the correct Orientation session,
go to New</a> Student Programs | Virginia Tech and fill out your Orientation registration. (If you
have already registered for Orientation, please re-register to reset your
registration to the correct session.)</p>

<p>Please feel free to contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions if you
have any questions.</p>

<p>Mildred R. Johnson
Director of Undergraduate Admissions
201 Burruss Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
<a href=""></a>
Undergraduate</a> Admissions | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>Anyways, what this means is if you aren't accepted to the College of Engineering initially, you still could get in! And if not, there are always the take-Engineering-Exploration-at-a-community-college-over-the-summer-and-request-admittance-for-spring-semester and the join-the-waitlist-for-Engineering-Exploration-during-the-spring methods, so you can still become an engineering major =)</p>

<p>That is how I transferred. I took an Engineering Introduction course during the summer before going to VT, transferred in and registered for all the same courses. Then I was transferred from US to GE after my Fall 2010 grades were entered into the computer. Once that happens, it is like you were never University Studies at all. It is a very smooth process. But I hate GE, so I’m BIOL now. haha</p>

<p>hey james…wanted your advice…i gt a mail from my advisor and i had to choose my classes so that also included subjects other than the ones listed in the letter like arts, american history and few more and i dont want to do these at all so will i have to them compulsorily or what? im pretty sure i want to do engg and i dnt want to take these classes

<p>Those courses you are referring to are called CLE courses. That stands for Curriculum for Liberal Education. They are required for every major at Virginia Tech that awards a bachelors degree. A lot of people refer to those courses as General Education. I was lucky and took most of them as college credit in high school so they transferred in and filled a bunch of those CLE requirements. Unfortunately if you don’t have those courses already, you will have to take them at some point when you have a free elective. I suggest taking a few over the summer so you don’t add weight to your engineering course load. Also, when you register for courses in July, make sure you add these courses so you will be able to transfer into Engineering (if University Studies) at some point.</p>

<p>Math 1205 - Calculus I
Math 1114 - Linear Algebra
Chem 1035 - General Chemistry
Chem 1045 - General Chemistry Lab
Engl 1105 - Freshman English
Elective (This is where you add a CLE course)</p>

<p>You won’t be able to take the Fall engineering course if you are University Studies because it is restricted to GE majors.</p>

<p>ohhk so will my graades in these subjects affect my transfer to GE frm US or will it be dep on the science and eng subjects only?? how difficult and imp are these subjects??</p>

<p>If you don’t get accepted into Engineering, take the equivalent of ENGE1024 at New River Community College. The class is MUCH easier than the one at Tech and will be much less time consuming. You should be able to get into ENGE1114 for the Spring semester. You can then transfer into the engineering of your choice sophomore year.</p>

<p>KSMJCKIWI: I took EGR 120 equivalent for ENGE 1024 at New River CC before going to VT in the Fall. It transferred in smoothly and I was able to get ENGE 1114 in the Spring after my GE transfer. I did exactly what you mentioned there.</p>

<p>yourfriend: You have to get at least a D- in each course to pass it. A lot of actual engineering specialties require at least a C in them though so shoot for that or above. You have to have a 2.0 GPA to transfer into General Engineering, but some of the specialties have requirements. I think Computer Science is a 2.3, MechE is a 2.5, and there are others. I don’t think Aerospace/Ocean has a requirement besides 2.0. As for the CLE courses, no they do not count towards your transfer from US to GE. The only courses that matter are the Chem, English, and Math. You have to get at least a D- in those to pass them, but if you get a D- in them, you will not have a 2.0 GPA and won’t get to transfer. Do your best in them and maintain that 2.0. Keep in mind that the CLE courses will count towards your GPA, but they aren’t required to transfer to GE; however they do count towards graduation, so you will have to take them at some point.</p>

<p>ohk thanks so how difficult were these topics for international students who were in your year also do int students have to do these courses(CLE) in other colleges like penn state?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure every college in the United States requires the courses. I know it sucks, but everyone has to suffer through them. VT actually has a course called World Regions that gets one of those classes out of the way and everyone seems to love it. It is the biggest class taught on campus. I don’t know much about Int’l students to be honest. That question would be best answered by the advisers in the International Students office. Here is the website if you want to check it out:</p>

<p>[International</a> | Virginia Tech Home | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]International”>International | Virginia Tech)</p>

<p>As for difficulty, I really don’t know. I haven’t taken any CLE courses at Virginia Tech. From what I hear, they are pretty straight forward. Also, you get to choose which ones you take. You don’t absolutely have to take Art History, Psychology, etc. You can find the list on the VT website of all of the CLE courses and which areas they fulfill. </p>

<p>[Curriculum</a> for Liberal Education Guides | Curriculum for Liberal Education | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Curriculum”></p>

<p>Just click on the various Area 1 - 7 and see what courses apply towards them. They aren’t as bad as you are thinking.</p>