<p>Searching through this forum I have found this topic a few times, but I just wanted to ask it in my own terms that way I can better understand it. I plan on transferring this upcoming year to a four year college of my choice, and I wasn't quite sure of the procedures of transferring one's GPA. Do you bring your GPA from one college to another with you as you change schools or does this start over? I have attended two community colleges with my first GPA being a 2.3 after one year of courses, and I currently have a 3.0 at the community college I am currently enrolled in. Do colleges count these together as a cumulative GPA or separate? I am looking at colleges such as Appalachian State and Virginia Tech as my higher range of schools. I have a few things going for me in other departments, such as sports and being military, but I want to make sure I am able to get into the school of my choice.</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>