Transfer News

<p>My D received her acceptance via priority mail yesterday. Interestingly, the letter was dated May 6, but the package wasn’t sent until May 10. We’re in AZ so it arrived quickly! </p>

<p>Best of luck to anyone who’s still waiting to hear. </p>

<p>And churchmusicmom, you were right about the letter from financial aid being a good sign!</p>

<p>YAY!!! That's a good thing to be right about! Congrats to your daughter and perhaps we will meet in August!</p>

<p>Thanks, churchmusicmom. My D is so excited; it's wonderful to see her enthusiasm about this college. It's a far cry from her freshman year, when she was much more ambivalent. </p>

<p>Let's stay in touch and maybe we can meet each other in August. It's always good to know other parents. BTW, my husband is from Georgia and has many ties to Atlanta and Savannah. In fact, we almost moved there a few years back. I love Atlanta!</p>