Transfer nursing

Hi guys,

I am located in New York and I am applying as a transfer student for Fall’15. I know that it’s kind of late to start applying now but i still want to give it a shot and not waste a semester taking off. I need help searching for a college that will accept transfer students with my current stats for nursing. It could be any college on the east coast but i would prefer somewhere that is closer to New York.
I currently have a GPA of 3.4, i am currently enrolled in a CC and will be getting my Associates degree in Liberal Arts by end of Spring’15.
My high school GPA was around a 87.
I’ve done some extracurricular such as volunteering at a hospital, volunteer at daycare, and worked at a clinic as a receptionist.
I have a letter of recommendation from my Anatomy& Physiology professor.


D’Youville College in Buffalo may be a possibility. I would imagine there are other private (and maybe some public) schools in New York that accept transfers to nursing. There are many private colleges as well as public universities in Pennsylvania with nursing programs, some of which take transfers. You should probably make a list of schools with nursing programs, check the websites regarding transfers, then call individual schools if you have further questions.

Some programs have a very standardized nursing curriculum, and you can only enter officially as a nursing student in the fall. Generally, the smaller private colleges that are not real selective in admissions may be your best bet for a transfer at this time. There are many in eastern PA.

Here is a link to NY accredited RN nursing programs & their NCLEX results [RN licensure exam]:

You should look at Pennsylvania nursing programs also since PA appears to offer more than any other state. PA NCLEX results are on the PA Board of Registered Nursing website on a PDF so I am unable to copy & paste the link - not easy to find but they are there under RN licensure.

You want to find a nursing program that has a high passing rate for the NCLEX which is an indication of a quality nursing education program. Each program [that accepts transfers] will have specific criteria for admission such as required courses like chem, A & P, micro, human development across the lifespan, psych, possible biology and stats along with a GPA requirement. If you don’t have all the courses, then you may need to take more classes either at your present school or the school you will be transferring to. The admission requirements can be found at each school of nursing website. Good luck!