Transfer Scholarships Received?

<p>I’m so glad that someone made a thread for this question! Has anyone found out about merit scholarships yet, every time I call the Office of Admissions I get a different answer. I called just yesterday and the lady told me I should have received any merit scholarship notifications in my actual acceptance packet. I was very upset with this news, but reading these threads gives me an inkling of hope. If anyone has received any of the scholarships could you let me know! Also, does anyone know how many scholarships are given out to transfers? The fact that the scholarship just requires a 3.75 kind of scares me, bc I feel like most people transferring have a gpa of or around that.</p>

<p>I called on April 2nd and the lady told me that we would not be receiving financial aid packages until mid to late April. This annoys me because I have to decide on a school by May 1st and if I am not able to afford UM, then I have to make other plans quickly.</p>

<p>@collegegurl92 I called admissions today and was told that while recipients were already selected, they were not mailed out yet so we won’t be finding out until next week, but who knows what to believe considering we all get different answers when we call. As far as our GPAs, I think 305home said it best, the strength of each student’s GPA is really dependent on how many credits have been completed. So if you have a solid GPA with a decent amount of credits done, I’d say the greater your chance is. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone! Please share if and when you receive any notifications!</p>

<p>@kjha6268 The fact that we all get different answers is making everything nerve-wracking. Although we are in no position to comment on the difficulty of any job position at the college, how hard can it actually be to upload MyUM? I guess our consolation is knowing that the recipients have already been selected, although it doesn’t really matter until we’re notified whether we have won anything or not.</p>

<p>I called yesterday and the day before like 10 times and they told me that I would be notified through the financial aid package that would come out next week.</p>

<p>@JAT0927 It seems that uploading documents to myUM is difficult -__-
28,000+ applications received each costing $70 = $1,960,000+. Distributed over a period of 4 months = $490,000/month. Divided by an admissions committee of say 100 people (which is a generous estimate, realistically it’s probably less) = $4,900/month for each person’s salary (although some people have higher wages, some have lower wages, this is an average). Say they work 40 hours per week: $4,900/160 hours = $31 per hour. Interesting analysis…
Just saying that nobody who has paid for their application to be reviewed should be burdened with feelings of guilt when they call admissions to find out what’s going on.</p>

<p>Word of advice: do not listen to the first person who picks up the phone unless they are an Assistant Director of Admissions or a Financial Aid Adviser. The people picking up the phones are the ones who are giving us the wrong answers, and the very vague ones. Immediately ask to speak with an Assistant Director or Adviser because at this point, it has become clear that there exists a big lack of communication between the offices and within the offices themselves. </p>

<p>My answers have been from Assistant Directors & Advisers. The reason it’s confusing is because the people picking up the phone are used to the incoming-freshmen calling, and telling them that their scholarships come in with their acceptance packages (which is clearly not the case for us). </p>

<p>I haven’t heard back from them (on myUM) though in terms of the scholarships. Best of luck to everyone.</p>

<p>Just got off the phone with a very sweet admissions advisor who informed me that all transfer scholarship recipients were notified and their financial aid packets on myUM were updated already. Those who did not receive merit scholarships will receive their fin aid packets sometime next week. This advisor really took her time on the phone to answer all my questions so I believe her information is correct. Unfortunately I wasn’t awarded any merit scholarships but am still hoping for a generous fin aid packet. Congrats to any of you who were awarded!</p>

<p>In light of what @kjha6268 said, has anyone received anything? Because I called this morning and was told that we’d find out next week, though it doesn’t surprise me.</p>

<p>I think that the most accurate answer will be the one I am about to give and that is that all financial aid packets and scholarships will be available prior to May 1.</p>

<p>I got the Dean’s Scholarship!! Notification came in a letter in the mail! Good luck to everyone!!</p>

<p>Congrats 305home! If I may ask what state are you in?</p>

<p>Congratulations 305home! While I’d still like to hold out hope that I could still receive a letter tomorrow as I’m in-state but not too close to Miami, the advisor I spoke to looked up my name and told me I was not awarded a scholarship :/. However, would you mind sharing your stats like GPA, credits completed, etc? Also, is your scholarship posted on your myUM account as well? Congrats again!</p>

<p>Thank you everyone! I’m from Miami and have Florida Residency but attend school out of state in one of the top 10 schools in the nation. My GPA is a mix of the grades I received in my current school and the grades I received while doing dual-enrollment studies in Miami as a High School student. </p>

<p>Currently, I have 86 transferable credits, and will have 113 by the end of the year (still have to meet the 45 credit residency requirement to graduate from UM). My cumulative GPA is a 3.92. Strong ECs centered in international relations and law.</p>

<p>Nothing is posted on myUM. Once again, best of luck to everyone.</p>

<p>@305home Your stats are nothing short of amazing, but out of curiosity, how many of those 113 credits are you allowed to transfer in? It seems as if you would graduate from the college you are at now after next semester.</p>

<p>If it’s helpful to anyone–</p>

<p>I got my notification in the mail today, and I live in Washington. Nothing has been updated on myUM yet.</p>

<p>Has anyone on this forum not received their decision on admission / financial aid yet?</p>