Transfer Scholarships Received?

<p>Anyone who applied as a transfer applicant for Fall 2012 receive notice of any scholarships/financial aid yet?</p>

<p>I have not received my packet yet either but according to someone who spoke to the financial aid office over the phone packages are set to be mailed out the first week of April. Hopefully they will be posted online by Monday so be on the look out for it next week! Hope this helped.</p>

<p>Academic scholarships come out on myUM April 1st; they were not included in anyone’s acceptance package. </p>

<p>Financial aid is dependent on when you were accepted to the University also (the earlier the better).</p>

<p>@305home I was not aware that academic scholarships were not yet awarded thanks so much for that information! However, the 1st is on a Sunday, will they still be posted that day or on Monday the 2nd?</p>

<p>I know, I find the Sunday date very odd too but they’ve repeatedly told me that the academic scholarships will be posted online on April 1st if we get them.</p>

<p>Anyone gotten an update on myUM? If so, under what tab?</p>

<p>@305home Easy there, I don’t think they’d update the system at 1 in the morning despite how eager we are to see if we’ve earned any scholarships. I’m anticipating the system to be updated around mid-day.</p>

<p>You’re right - I assumed that it would be up at that time because I received my acceptance notification on myUM at around that time. Either way, if anyone’s heard back please let us know.</p>

<p>@305home I’m hoping the April 1 date you were told was wrong, because I haven’t heard anything from financial aid. On a side note, I do find it odd that you were told the April 1st date which can be found on the website, because I was told the first week of April. Regardless, I’m still a bit nervous that I won’t receive any scholarships.</p>

<p>I haven’t received my fin aid packet or notification or any kind of merit scholarship either so I wouldn’t worry too much. I think we’re going to be more likely to hear from them at the end of this week/next week unfortunately :/</p>

<p>Hey everyone. The April 1st date is on their website but I spoke with Admissions yesterday, the scholarship committee was having a final meeting yesterday and was delaying the academic scholarships until later on in the week, allegedly. I just got off the phone with Financial Aid - they said that several things have been going wrong in the office that are beyond their control and thus FinAid packages will be released towards the end of the month instead of this week. I made it a point to establish that that is highly unreasonable when our Enrollment Deposit is due in now less than 1 month.</p>

<p>As far as academic scholarships, the person who picked up in Admissions said we’d find out through our financial aid packages whether we received them or not. Basically, we won’t be finding out any time soon. </p>

<p>The lack of organization is a big turn off from UM but we’ll see how it goes</p>

<p>I just want to know what chances I have of getting a scholarship. I have a 3.95 GPA. Is there a lot of people here with a 4.0?</p>

<p>@Jetalltheway I think the prestige of a GPA also depends on what school you’re transferring from and how many credits you’ve taken, in all fairness. But we have around the same GPA.</p>

<p>I can confirm what 305home said about the transfer scholarships. I emailed the assistant director of the office of admissions about a personal financial aid question who said “At this point, the transfer scholarships have been allocated, and the recipients will be notified by the end of this week.”</p>

<p>@JAT0927 thanks for the good news!</p>

<p>Have anybody been able to see their awards online?</p>

<p>Nope I haven’t. I don’t think the fin aid packages will be available to us for a while though. But I’m wondering if the scholarship notifications are something in the mail or something that will be posted on myUM by the end of this week?</p>

<p>Like @JAT0927, I received confirmation today from the Admissions office that they will be letting us know via myUM by the end of this week if we qualified for an academic scholarship. </p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone</p>

<p>I’m extremely unnerved with how UM is handling my application. They haven’t started reviewing my application to transfer yet and I applied in January! I called the office last week and the lady who answered was unhelpful, impatient, and snappy. Her attitude gave me the impression that she could not care less about my concerns and she wouldn’t transfer my call to an advisor. And the financial aid office is starting to send out scholarships/fin aid to students this week… I would like to know if I was accepted or not and if I was accepted, I’m expecting $16k in scholarships. Sent emails - no replies. It’s the end of the first week of April which means they’ve had my docs/app for 3 months. =/</p>

<p>@geekerme I would be concerned if I were you. However, you called once and spoke to a woman who was unhelpful. I haven’t had any problems when I called the office of admissions, therefore I would advise you to call again ASAP to ensure that they’ve received all necessary materials.</p>