Transfer Spring 2013 Students

<p>Has anyone heard back at all for as a spring transfer student!? I heard they get back to you within 4 to 6 plus weeks but I am not sure..</p>

<p>Got accepted</p>


<p>when did you apply? what were your stats? if you dont mind me asking…Im still waiting to hear back from Madison</p>

<p>i have not heard either i am slightly freaking out</p>

<p>0471 suny how did you hear back/when?</p>

<p>I finished all my transfer files on Aug 28th and just received my acceptance two days ago and I also have deposited.</p>

<p>My Stat: Current GPA:3.542


<p>congrats! i submitted mine on the 29th of august but i got word of everything getting there september 19th so i am behind you. how did they inform you? what school did you apply for? are you in state or out of state?</p>

<p>They will email you to let you see MY UW. I am in state</p>


<p>Have you heard anything yet?!</p>

<p>SUNY they let you know on a saturday?! Or was it Friday?!</p>


<p>Nope i havent heard anything yet… the website says you can hear back as late as the end of december… hoping it comes before then</p>

<p>when did you apply/get your stuff in?
when i talked to transfer admissions they said end of november the absolute latest! but they originally said 4 to 6 weeks? and for me its been way past that so who knows?! it is so annoying why they just cant let you know immediately?! did you get a brochure in the mail?</p>

<p>Lauren just an FYI I just got word tonight! I got in good luck!</p>

<p>i got in tonight! :)</p>

<p>When did you guys get done all your application stuff?
ughghg, that waiting drives me so crazy… Tell me how chance do i have? I’m international student now study in one of UW 4 year schools, this is my second semester, so far now my GPA is 3.4, They require TOEFL IBT from international student, average range as they requiring is 95-100, i got 96. i sent two recommendation letters by two of math professors, they are i think one of the best here, also when i was in high school, i got bronze medal from international math competition, also honorable mention from international informatics competition…</p>

<p>Nobody is willing to answer me :(</p>


<p>I am an international transfer student too and I have been admitted.
My GPA in college is 3.75. My high school GPA is about 3.0. My TOEFL score is 92. I have research experience and recommendation letter from leader of the lab I worked in.
I finished my application at the end of August. And I got admitted at 7 October.</p>

<p>However, I am unable to predict the chance you get accept. I think to predict whether you will been admit only by standard test score cannot be very valid. Do not worry~Good Luck!</p>

<p>The TOEFL requirement is to ensure you have the language skills to succeed. Your English will improve once you are immersed in it in the US.</p>

<p>got accepted :). Man, now i’m badger Style :P.</p>

<p>Congratulations to you all. It’s starting to get cold here (although right now it’s fine) so be prepared for January.</p>